I need to find the people who so selflessly helped me today. I - TopicsExpress


I need to find the people who so selflessly helped me today. I need to find julie who ran a mile in the rain to save my Envy today on I-71 S in OH mile marker 149. She ran in front of me for a mile to catch envy after my vehicle was totaled by a truck who hit me from behind. I ran behind her as fast as I could with an injured knee in my bare feet. It was the most horrible experience of my life to watch my dog run down the interstate. I was pinned in my car and by the time I got myself free and saw how badly damaged my car was and faced the horrible reality envy had gotten lose Thank you to the two semi drivers that completely stopped both lanes of traffic so she wouldnt be hit. Thank you to the canine rescue worker who had a leash and food and caught her and walked her back to me with Julie in the pouring rain. Thank you Angelo Lamonica for leaving work driving an hour and helping me by bringing a crate for Envy for the hotel room and taking me to get a drink and thanks Pat Lamonica for sending a first aid kit to clean her wounds on her legs and feet from the shattered glass and thanks Ang for helping me clean her up thanks Dave and mario For getting me the hell out of here and home safe to my dogs and for taking such good care of them so I dont have to worry about it tonight Thank you to the paramedics for letting envy hang out in the ambulance with me. I cant imagine what I would have done without those guys Most of all thank you God for sending me these angels and for keeping envy safe and alive and for letting me walk away from this with just minor injuries If you hear this story and you know who any of these people are please pass it on to me. I would like to thank them. I am so lucky to have such wonderful friends and am so blessed to have been given such a gift of humanity from strangers
Posted on: Fri, 25 Apr 2014 19:45:16 +0000

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