I need to know!!! If you support me and my mission but you cant - TopicsExpress


I need to know!!! If you support me and my mission but you cant say it publicly, for whatever reason.... inbox me and let me know... Just say I support... Heres the thing.. I do not believe that God made me who I am, for me to sit at a desk and design, and think through computer requirements for money. My life is a prime example of what is possible through him... but faith, without works is dead... I dont want to sell my book, I want to put it in digital format and allow people to donate whatever they can to support the cause I have... And deliver it for whatever they donate. For those that can give more, I already know they will, and for those that dont have much to give, they will give what they can. If I didnt have a family to support, Id just post it on Facebook, or the internet, and be done with it, but I got to eat, and I got to pay off these school loans, and I got to support ALL my kids... My cause is to inspire and uplift my fellow man... regardless of race, creed, national origin, or religion... I am the most non-judgmental person you will ever meet... I just believe that a person has to put in the work to get the reward, whatever the circumstance... Since April 1999, when I got out of prison for the last time, I have worked or gone to school in some form or fashion, for at least 12-15 hours a day. If I knew that the support was there, Id began the planning necessary to quit my job and walk through the ghettos and the trailer parks and the poorest sections of America with my voice, uplifting souls. Telling people who dont have hope, what they need to hear...Showing them the example they have never seen... Those are the things which motivate my heart... They motivate my heart because I want the world to be a better place for my children... I almost quit my job when God made me know in that church that day, that he was real, but I was fearful... And on some days I still am... Im fearful, mostly because of the way Ive been treated simply because I have posted what I really thought about life... But I began to see the effect I was having on people... People who had never liked any of my posts began reaching out to me... reaching out to my wife... and I knew... but fear has held me back... but as you can see, I am getting less fearful by the day... Even if you dont understand everything I write, I dont think there is anyone who can deny that God has had his hand on my life... I put in the work, but lets face it.... People are people... I know people who cant even get a job at McDonalds with a record, but they offer me six figure salaries, even after I tell them about my past... no way! I left GSK in May, and since that time Ive been offered jobs (in 4 months) that would have raised my salary by greater than 25%.... Im talking greater than a $30K raise on my base salary, after I sent these people my Facebook posts and told them who I was and what had transpired in my life... And Im going to take all the offer letters and documentation and put it on a website and show people that everything I have ever said on here was true. I dont want to commercialize myself by going to a publisher... I just want to be a regular guy, that can connect with any and everybody at any level. I got an MBA, you think I dont know business... You think I dont know that somebody would eat my story up with a spoon, and give me big bucks.. Thats not what I want... I dont want to be controlled... I want to continue to be free... I want to say what I think is right, all the time, and not be influenced by the man that is putting food on my table... thats why I didnt start a non-profit, because there are rules that have to be followed that would restrict my voice.. Ill pay the taxes... just so I can deliver the truth to those that need it... I took the last several hours, unhiding my posts that I had hidden out of fear that no one would give me a job... Im done with that mess.... ITS TIME FOR THE TRUTH... Let me know if you stand with me... just like this post, or inbox me... Go back and read what I have written over the past two years... and you will see that none of this is new... I just wrote more cryptically back then, because I knew people could not digest all of the truths I have at once... And I didnt want my wife, Kellie Shipman Armstrong , to think that I had completely lost my entire mind...lol Believe you me.... There are many more that I have not revealed... But they are coming... We all know the truth when we hear it.... decide for yourselves... Stand with me... Help somebody!!! Matter fact, help somebody thats real! ~Miracle Marcus~
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 05:13:11 +0000

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