I need to say this and get it out in the open. I am so tired of - TopicsExpress


I need to say this and get it out in the open. I am so tired of just sitting back and not speaking my mind when posts that I consider to be hateful, hurtful, ignorant and bigoted come across my news feed. I have always been a very non-confrontational type of person. I am a peaceful, loving, caring person. But I am an independent thinker and I follow my own path. I have seen a lot of terrible, mean spirited comments about Robin Williams. While I understand that his family and friends and fans are hurting over what he did...unless you are inside of a person sharing their every feeling and emotion...you have no idea whats going on inside them. Its also come to light that Robin was in the beginning stages of Parkinsons Disease. I cant help but wonder if anyone was able to penetrate that great big personality of his and dig down to the bones of what was going on inside him. Did anyone try? In our society, there is too much apathy. Too many people turning their heads and ignoring the pain and suffering. Maybe if I ignore it, it wont touch me. Maybe if I ignore it, I wont have to care. I have been dealing with an illness since 1996. I wasnt even out of my 30s when I found out I had Rheumatoid Arthritis. It hit me like a hurricane...starting in my feet and making its way through the rest of my body in no time...effectively taking me out of most things in my life that I had always enjoyed. Taking my job, taking my ability to take care of my family like I needed to. It took away my ability to run or even walk without effort. It took away my hobbies. It took away my self confidence. It took away my pride. Day after day of pain. Day after day of having to rely on my young son to haul me off the couch or load me into a car...screaming in pain when he had to bend my knees to get me in the seat. Years go by...two replaced knees, one replaced hip, work done in one foot, surgery on both hands. Things are better with the help of the meds I am on and the replacements. But I went through bouts of depression throughout my illness. One time in particular that I remember was when I had gone to the RA doctor (pre-knee replacement and hip replacement). I was in such misery that I informed him that if he didnt do something right now, I was going to blow my brains out. Fortunately, he took me seriously and gave me better pain management options as well as anti-depressants. I had a friend that I went to school with who had a very bad form of MS. Sadly, he did take his life. Depression does not present itself in the same way from person to person. A lot of times, you may not even know someone is going through depression. Or maybe you do see signs, ask the person, and they try to hide it. A lot of people dont come forward. I believe they feel shame. I know I certainly have hidden mine from family and friends. I have been away from Facebook for a month or so because I have been going through a bout of depression. I am working on it. I am doing the best I can. So, with that said....here is what I am going to do. I am going to rid my life of as much negativity as I can. I want to bring only the positive into my life. As well as trying to improve the quality of my life... I will also be either turning off the feed of those spewing hate and negativity or I will delete them entirely. I like to keep up with friends and family here on Facebook...as well as post my artwork on my Facebook business page. But its really difficult for me to come on here and see the venom spread across my news feed. I am going to try and really work on myself and feeling better. Happy thoughts, inspiration and support will be much appreciated. If you need it, I will be happy to give you the same. It all boils down to being kinder and more helpful to each other. A kind word or two doesnt cost a thing.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 02:25:19 +0000

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