I need to take a lesson out of my own book! Time for some Coach - TopicsExpress


I need to take a lesson out of my own book! Time for some Coach Missy smack down talk. The Lord always finds a way to ground you and provides a lesson and a wake up call . Saturday I thought some lovely bugs enjoyed my hamstring muscle until today I find out the 20 some bites in one spot are not bites they are shingles! Shingles, well if you had chicken pox like me as a toddler, you can get them. I am utilizing the I am now 40, and I need to take it easier verbiage and will lighten my load so to speak . Mind you a couple weeks ago I was sick for a week with this summers crazy stomach bug, there goes my immune system. I fell off sleeping well and resting. I always make myself available to clients and worry about them. I have not been taking my vitamin C and add eating a bit more sugary junk. Bam a prime breeding ground for pesky shingles . No real pain until tonight. Some wonderful stabbing nerve pain is accompanying an irritating itch. Shwoo thank goodness on medication and utilizing modern medicine mixed with holistic all natural remedies . Vitamin C, dairy, eggs, lots of protein, yogurt, apples , etc !!! So what I take from this is, get back to time out for myself , de stress , work out, but dont over do it. Our bodies and nervous system know no difference from a high intensity work out and a knockem down fight . Everyones problems I cant solve and once I provide the tools to clients I must let them go. Its up to each client to utilize the information and coaching I provide correctly and consistently! Time Out, is on the menu for me ! Better sleep, better schedule ! I need to be tops to provide a good service to my clients , to be a good wife and mother and also a good friend to myself !
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 23:11:54 +0000

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