I need to watch this movie again, such wonderful moments... - TopicsExpress


I need to watch this movie again, such wonderful moments... Storytelling magic. youtu.be/dpkuw3ztPQE --------- Disney PIXARs The Incredibles Chapter 13: A Place to Rest https://fanfiction.net/s/10452184/14/Disney-PIXAR-s-The-Incredibles Ive nothing to say, currently, so enjoy! Chapter 13: A Place to Rest PUT A FIELD AROUND US NOW! Helen yelled at her daughter. Ive never done one that big before- VIOLET, DO IT NOW! The missiles that had been tracking them flew closer and closer. Abort, abort, abort! Helen yelled into the microphone, desperately. Violet tried to produce a forcefield, but it vanished before she could enlarge it. ABORT, ABORT, ABORT! Violet tried again, with no success. And then, at the last moment, Helen ripped off the headset and jumped out of the pilots seat and back to the planes midsection, where Violet and Dash were. She wrapped her body around them, shielding them as the missiles impacted the plane, blasting it to pieces. The suit, being indestructible, shielded Helen, Dash and Violet from the worst of the blast, but the impact still temporarily knocked Helen unconscious. Her muscles relaxed, and the kids found themselves free-falling above open ocean, and screamed. Helen woke up to the wind rushing passed her ears, and heard Violet and Dash screaming. Thinking fast, she grabbed the two of them, wrapped her limbs around the two of them and turned her body into a parachute, braking their fall. Out of surprise, Dash and Violet stopped screaming, and looked up to see their mother, her body stretched out. Brace yourselves! she yelled down to them. They all splashed down and she retracted to her normal proportions. Violet and Dash looked around wildly, Dash calling out for Helen. Everybody calm down! she told them, and they both made their way to her. Now, Ill tell you what were NOT gonna do: were not gonna panic, were not gonna—LOOKOUT! She shoved them underwater and pushed them out of the way of the falling fuselage of the plane. She pushed them up, and they swam back to the surface. WHOS IDEA WAS THIS, ANYWAY!? Dash yelled hysterically. WERE DEAD! WERE DEAD! IT BLEW UP! WE SURVIVED, BUT WERE DEAD! STOP IT! Helen splashed water at them, shutting them up. We are NOT gonna die! she yelled at them, angrily. Now, both of you will get a grip, or so help me I will ground you for a month, UNDERSTAND!? They stopped their yelling, and she calmed down. She began looking into the sky, at the smoke trails the missiles had left behind. Using her knowledge of missiles shed gained during the glory days, she started making a plan, mainly about how to get them to safety and find Bob. Those were short range missiles. She deduced. Land based. She pointed at the horizon where the smoke trail ended. That ways our best bet. You want to go TOWARD the people who tried to kill us? Dash asked her. If it means land, yes. You expect us to swim there? Violet asked, pessimistically. I expect you to trust me. She told them. She turned her body into a boat shape, with a lower are at the back, and told Violet to climb aboard, and Dash to push them forward at the back. With him kicking, her floating and Violet sitting on her back with the bag, which Helen had salvaged from the fuselage, they made their way to the source of the missiles within the hour. When they reached the island, it had gone dark, and it was hard to see. Helen, Dash and Violet landed at a smooth, sandy beach on the southern edge of the island. Both Helen and Dash were exhausted from the prolonged use of their powers, and took a moment to lie down and rest on the sand. What a trooper. She told him. Im so proud of you. Thanks, mom. They stood up after a few minutes and found a cave, where they set up camp. They made a small camp fire and sat around it, resting. An eerie silence settled over them, as Helen tried to this of how to tell them why they were here. I think, she said, finally, Your father is in trouble. If you havent noticed, mom, were not too hot either. Violet reminded her. Helen stood up. Im going to look for him, and that means youre in charge until I get back, Violet. WHAT!? You heard her. Violet turned to her brother. Helen reached into the bag, which was drying by the fire, and put on the mask that had come with her suit, before handing two more to Violet and Dash, who immediately put his on. Put these on, your identity is your most valuable possession. Protect it, and if anything goes wrong, use your powers. But you said never to- I KNOW WHAT I SAID! she burst out. She breathed in and out, calming herself down, then moved closer to her kids. Remember the bad guys, on those shows you used to watch on Saturday mornings? They both nodded, smiling at those memories. Well, these guys are not like those guys. Their smiles faded. They wont exercise restraint because youre children. They will kill you if they get the chance. Do NOT give them that chance. Mom? Violet began. Vi, Im counting on- Theres something that- Im counting on you. Helen told her, firmly. Be strong. Violet looked at her mother, uncertainty on her face. Helen turned to Dash. Dash, if anything goes wrong, I want you to run as fast as you can! As fast as I can!? he responded excitedly. As fast as you can! she repeated, then turned to face both of them and hugged them. Stay hidden, keep each other safe, Ill be back by morning. And with that, she stood up and ran to the entrance of the cave, about to leave to search for Bob. But before she could, she heard her daughter calling her from the cave entrance. She turned to see Violet following her out of the cave, almost in tears. Mom, what happened on the plane, I-Im sorry, I wanted to—I mean, when you asked me to—Im sorry- Shh. Helen consoled her, placing a hand on her cheek. It isnt your fault. It wasnt fair for me to suddenly ask so much of you. She lifted Violets cheek to face her, and placed her hands on her shoulders. But things are different, now, and doubt is a luxury we cant afford anymore, sweetie. You have more power than you realize. Dont think, and dont worry. If the time comes, youll know what to do. Helen pushed some stands of Violets hair behind her ear. Its in your blood. She told her. Then she ran off into the jungle, leaving Violet there to think. After a moment, the thirteen year old super looked at her mask, still in her hands, and reached up and put it on. Then she wiped her hair behind her ears, and walked back into the cave.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 00:06:28 +0000

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