I needed my father to pick up my youngest son from school - TopicsExpress


I needed my father to pick up my youngest son from school yesterday. My father has grown to be terribly fond of his youngest grandchild so he jumped at the chance to go get him. When we picked my son up we all (my husband, me, my parents, my son and my daughter) were chitchatting, the tension is less and were enjoying the interaction. As I was trying to get my little family ready to go my father says to my son go get the bible I gave you. Im pretty good at keeping my face neutral so I didnt react. My son went and got the bible (its a pretty blue one with a pebbly surface, not the silver sword, darn it), flipped through it, and thanked his grandfather. I didnt say anything. At that moment I didnt think I needed to. I know my son. Hes working on being polite and gracious and hes fond of his grandfather so hes not going to try and hurt his grandfathers feelings. Also hes never expressed an interest in a god or religion. So far something like that hasnt reached his list of obsessions. I should say my son is 10 years old and Autistic on the high functioning side. So still this point I dont feel theres a reason to throw a fit or say anything. Im just going to watch. Ill step in when I feel a boundary is getting close to being crossed, like a request to take my son to hall. That will be a no-no. Oh lastly, my son told me to tell my father hes sorry he left the bible at grandpas house. I didnt even notice that he did. ;)
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 13:36:23 +0000

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