I never got around to my intro, so here goes! Im going to be - TopicsExpress


I never got around to my intro, so here goes! Im going to be writing this as a therian and as an otherkin 1. For me therianthropy and otherkin is mostly a spiritual thing. I believe that our spirits go through many different lives as we grow. Sometimes we can have an affinity for a certain species. Because of that, it effects our psychological make up. (from our spirits inhabiting a certain kind of neurological make up for so long it imprints our consciousness. ) That, to me, is what causes certain quirks in our psychology/mannerisms and in our auric energy. When it comes to otherkin, I believe that is a possibility because of Multiverse Theory (or rather hypothesis since it hasnt been proven to be a die hard fact like the theory of gravity) which has to do with string theory. Multiverse is the idea that there is an absolute infinite amount of universes and dimensions. Because it is infinite that means literally anything one can imagine exists on some plane of existence somewhere. 2. Wolf is the animal I feel closest to. I also might be poly with Aelurodon ferox but Im not positive on that. Its something Ive studied about myself for years. Im also otherkin, and in that aspect Im a cherub. 3. I have all the obvious reasons that most people have. Phantom limbs (ears, tail, four wings), sometimes mental shifts, behavioral traits, intense interest in the creature etc etc. I also have come to terms with it through studying with my guide. To explain, a few years ago I finally learned how to meditate in such a way that I could feel,smell, touch everything. Eventually I met someone in the place I meditated to. For years I would see them and they would teach me things. Concepts, history, herbs, (even wilderness survival). After each meditation I would write everything down and fact check all of these things. Everything always wound up being 100% true. Being the scientific based mind that I was I believed that perhaps it was my subconscious teaching me about things I had read or heard of once that I had forgotten and left it at that. At least, until he started interacting with other people. A few years after meeting him he came to where I was for the first time without me needing to meditate. I could see and sense him. The part that got me was he allowed some people to see him as well without me telling them about it. Hes shown he can move things on his own, effect peoples technology, and speak and touch other beings/people. Hes the one that first taught me about therianthropy and the concept of otherkin. Hes also the one that first brought up the possibility that I was a cherubim. (I resisted that idea for years, saying it was outlandish and crazy and I refused to recognize it) But after years and years of things happening and adding up, and other people seeing and experiencing things ive experienced (ruling out halucinations) Ive come to terms with it. I used to be a very strict atheist but things have a way of changing once you see and experience certain things, haha. 4. It ties into my daily life a lot, since Ive become a very spiritual person. I usually try to meditate every day or do magic. If I dont get around to it theres still the daily interaction with the being I mentioned earlier that I had nicknamed Stick when I first met him. (Short for Stick up his ass, since he refused to tell me his name. Ive now learned what his real name is since then, but I still prefer to use Stick unless Im speaking to him very seriously.) Those around me also have a habit of running into Stick and interacting with him as well. Most of my friends used to also be atheist, but not anymore :P Now most are agnostic. 5. Like I mentioned earlier, its spiritual. I always kind of knew, but it was confirmed over time. No one thing convinced me, since Im fairly stubborn. Also, if any of you are into magic AND science, this article would probably interest you since its written in laymans terms collective-evolution/2013/12/05/the-illusion-of-matter-our-physical-material-world-isnt-really-physical-at-all/
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 00:53:40 +0000

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