I nominate me to say 7 facts about myself. 1. I was born in the - TopicsExpress


I nominate me to say 7 facts about myself. 1. I was born in the front bedroom at 6 Margaret Ave Galston whilst my dad comforted our dog, Pal, that mum would be OK. Faither was steaming. 2. Mum and I visited Aunty Marion and mum wouldnt let Pal intae Marions posh hoose. He was locked out and ran onto the railway line where he was beheaded. 3. I was called Fermer Fid cause I wore wellies all year round as they were all I had. 4. I never used toothpaste till I was 17. And a half. 5. I had no underpants and had holes in my shorts. 6. I had to back out of District football trials cause I had no football boots. 7. I cant honestly say I ever saw anyone I thought was better than me at fitba. 7. I sat, along with Edith McHowell, an English O Level at aged 11 as an experiment for our teacher, Big Buck, and we both passed. 7. I once entered only one sports day event (the sack race) as I had no gutties or trainers. I won running barefoot in the sack. 7. Pal was such a good ratter that the local farmer paid my dad to bring him up to the farm to kill the rats. 7. I lived at a posh boarding school in Hampshire where me and my brother Billy were attacked by 7 posh kids and as we ran away I jumped back and nutted the biggest boy. Billy lifted a stick and sent the rest home to dorms. 7. At aged 14 I got expelled for battering a housemasters son at the school I attended at Hampshire. He was about 510 and I was about 54. Hed never had his baws booted or his face kicked in. He did a good impression of Marquis of Queensbury though. All of above is true, except the numbers. And there may be exaggeration. But not much. I nominate no one.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 21:15:27 +0000

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