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I normally do not share any detailed personal information about my health or Belindas on FB or online at all, but I decided I should let all of my friends know that tomorrow my beautiful wife will take me to an appointment in Springfield that I have been terrified of for years now, I have put it off long enough. I will be beginning the process of having specialists try to find out if I am in the early stages of ( or already in the middle of ) Alzheimer or Dementia, or if there is perhaps other reasons that can explain my very severely compromised short term memory. I am sure it will take a number of such trips. My background, from what I have been told by my other Drs include a variety of possible other reasons for this problem, including the pain pump that malfunctioned 5 years ago and dumped in a months worth of meds in a few seconds, putting me in a coma, or the massive doses of Fentanyl they had to use to try and keep me down during the 12 hour surgery on my back. It was so bad that I had to remain intubated for 4 days I had been given so much fentanyl in an attempt to try and keep me from waking up during that extremely long surgery. There is the 28 pill a day medicine regiment they have had me on for years, most likely suspect assuming it is NOT the disease? The 18 month period when I had the drug PRIALT in my pain pump that was incredibly good at pain relief, but was so devastating to me in the way of side effects we had to discontinue it, things like turning my eyes from BLUE to GREEN ( not a pretty green either, more like a Linda Blair Exorcisttype pea soup green lizard looking green....butt ugly ) night in 8 hours, something that has never completely reversed, despite the fact I stopped that drug five years ago. Or that it took away completely, 100% of my sense of taste or smell, I was sent by workers comp to specialists that verified that I had indeed lost both of those senses. That drug caused so many side effect for me ( memory loss was one of the major ones ) I am still suffering from several of them years after it was discontinued. BTW, the hospital where I received this treatment will no longer allow its use for ANY of their patients under any circumstances, side effects for others have been just as bad. So basically, there are a number of very significant factors that POSSIBLY may account for what has happened to me, I could not possibly explain in print just how bad my short term memory loss is, most would think it was made up..... it is that bad. As just ONE of dozens of examples, it is COMMON for me to watch a 2 hour long movie on HBO, see it the next day in the line up of things on TV for the night, and ask Belinda if she would like to watch it. When told I just saw it last light, I am in utter disbelief, watching it again the very next day just to prove her wrong. She is always right, cause not only had we indeed just watched it less than 24 hours earlier, I will watch it again and often not a SINGLE FRAME is the least bit familiar to me. We all know what that sounds like and it frightens me so much, and very little frightens me......so, theres that. In the end, as badly spooked by the possible results ( likely results I am afraid, we already KNOW there has been some terrible changes,we just do not know WHAT caused them ) I know I will always have the love and support of my incredible wife, my wonderful family, and of course, my great friends, so while I still remember all of you, thanks in advance for your support! :) :) See...I will always be able to find humor in everything, I HAVE to, it is my way of dealing with stress, anger, loss, health, depression, happiness.....hell everything! :) :) :) :)
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 20:52:48 +0000

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