I normally dont have to much to say about people & weight loss I - TopicsExpress


I normally dont have to much to say about people & weight loss I leave each to their own but HOLY GOODNESS... here it is.... STOP looking for the bloody easy answer.... there is no pill that does it for you... STOP bleedin blaming others or situations.... get off your butt... STOP winging & wining... think about what/how your putting into your mouth... bleedin heck it seriously doesnt matter if your walking to the corner or running a full marathon just get moving... STOP being the oh I wish I could do that... or the oh I couldnt possibly... & asking me the How did I do it... & this my absolute personal favourite what did I take to do it, where can I get it? Yeah, I know a goodie isnt it... I didnt take a bloody thing... I committed & I worked freakin hard & I still am working hard. No its NOT easy, No its NOT a quick fix... Im a mum of 4, I was working full time when I did the majority of my weight loss... I undertook at the start a specialised program for weight loss being the Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation which worked on my mind, my nutrition & gave me specialised exercise activities to do it taught me to be accountable, true to myself & yes, it did what it said it Transformed me... Anyone is truly capable... I surrounded myself with like minded people that supported me in the ups & downs... I grew as a person, I started to believe in me more but better still I like me more, I was being for the first time in a long time true to me & I progressed & kept on progressing, as I did my goals & outcomes changed... I am an evolving butterfly... Yes, I sought out the help of a Trainer/s Spartan PTI who specialised in ways to get me to my goals... In doing so I was lucky enough to be surround by more wonderful like minded people with many becoming great friends.... You may not like what Im doing, how Im doing it but you know what I dont really give a rats fat, Im living my life, Im happy & Im not sitting around with the Oh poor mes Im over weight & I dont want to be.... Me being me has a flow on affect to my children who are more healthy & active, its also affected in a positive way to many of my friends... & I could not be bloody prouder!!!!
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 00:05:25 +0000

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