I normally dont post things like this unless I am passionate about - TopicsExpress


I normally dont post things like this unless I am passionate about helping people or think this could make a difference.. with that said, these words are coming straight from my heart and hope that this will inspire some of you to do something for your loved ones: If you know someone with #cancer or another debilitating disease, I urge you to please PLEASE to look into alternative treatments and medicine! Do your research people, doctors do NOT tell you everything- and part of the reason is because they just simply do not know...We are programmed to trust them, but we as a society are smarter than we give ourselves credit for, and we should help our doctors in guiding us. 1. Diet and nutrition is HUGEEE in reversing your disease. Your doctors should be helping and telling you about this - do they? 2. **CANNABIS OILS!**. It is absolutely mind blowing to me how many things I am finding and reading every single day as far as cannabis oil treatments and life changing results in patients. Cannabis oils KILL cancer, and helps cure other debilitating diseases, not just cancer. Ive found several resources and FB communities that have been beyond helpful for me and my family. I will jump to help to help others find the same, so if interested, feel free to email me and Ill do what I can to point you in the right direction. For those of you are skeptical, look at the article below. One of many proving my point via scientific study alchimiaweb/blogen/68-studies-efficiency-marijuana-against-cancer/ 3. The list goes on...Just today, an article came out more specific to my fathers case stating, hyperbaric oxygen can decrease brain gliomas, and hyperbaric oxygen used immediately before each radiation treatment for brain tumors can increase survival by 50 percent. This backs up research Ive already found on my own, but... **THESE types of the things you should be bringing up to the doctors!** There are a ton of alternative treatments out there, check out cancertutore for ideas, it can be overwhelming but weed through it, find whats right for you and your loved one. Please, go beyond trusting your doctor, and trust yourselves to make the changes that matter. Thats all :) xoxo
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 23:53:57 +0000

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