I normally keep my thoughts/opinions in regard to our Northern - TopicsExpress


I normally keep my thoughts/opinions in regard to our Northern Cheyenne Nation to myself but as a member I feel the need to speak out on the issue of Residency as it has been brought up quite frequently of late involving a family member of mine. Cmon people, is this the best you can do? This is the first Ive heard about this issue in quite awhile and it seemingly is quite petty to me.I am not going to go into great length or detail other than why as a people do we continue to dredge up a persons past by coming up with whatever straw we can grasp and throw it at a person just because you or I dont like this one or that one because of a job they were selected for, and you/I were not! I think all that should be an irrelevant and moot point as long as the individual works hard and is trying to be a help to the tribe, yet because certain other individuals cant see beyond the end of their nose they choose the cowards way out by bringing up other peoples skeletons when they ought to take a darn good look in theirs, not a one of us is above the other! This is why I choose not to work for this tribe, just because of the politics involved, the lengths our very own people will go to just for their own personal gain. We never used to be this way as a people & I am truly mortified at the state of affairs of this great Northern Cheyenne Nation and how we ALL choose to conduct ourselves. God/Maheo needs to be brought back into this system and our lives, then maybe things will fall into place once again the Cheyenne Way...
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 01:17:18 +0000

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