I notice a current trend among some, comparing or rather - TopicsExpress


I notice a current trend among some, comparing or rather commenting why the sudden rush or excessive postings by many re Gaza. The remarks in a nutshell mentions there are several civil atrocities all over the globe that is as horrific or some would like to point worse that in Gaza. And people are applauding the posts as courageous as it appears to go against the usual grain or current trending on Gaza postings. To these group of people ... Especially those who like to share statistics on who gets to claim whos country is worse off ... Syria, Nigeria, Myanmar, Iraq recently again ... All atrocities I concur. Here is something I would like to share ... The illegal state of Israel was defined or rather cut & unfairly divided by UN In 1947. By 1948 at least a quarter of a million Palestinians were requested to leave at gunpoint. Out of that thousands were killed in process. And thats only in 1948, while Israel illegally strengthen their borders & chased people out of their homes & turn them into refugees systematically. By May 1967 the infamous laughable 6-day war happen. Why laughable? Cause the attoricity not only came from the illegal Israeli occupiers but from the lack of involvement of its Arab neighbours that did little to assist Syria or Lebanon during the siege. Deals were made so these Arab countries borders were left intact while their brothers & sisters were left to suffer the wrath of the well equipped & well trained Israeli army. By this point, Palestine shrivelled smaller into what you know of today, the Gaza Strip thats shrinking over time & soon to be obliterated plus the West Bank. From 1967 till today, the Zionist regime has systematically encroached into Gaza & the West Bank with ILLEGAL settlements or outposts of Israeli settlers in Palestnian territory. Thousands have been killed & millions displaced so that one group can invade & occupy another. And this is all done publicly with not much opposition from the Western Powers and with mere vocal outcry from the Arab nations. Whitewash media does not help either. So in summary ... first you cut & divide unfairly a country thats not even yours or got anything to do with the Holocaust & yet is being punished for it. Then after creating millions of refugees for past 60 odd years you also encroach into whats left of their land. And its all justifies coz a few angry Palestnians are shooting rockets at you which your army intercepts majority with your advanced missile detection systems. Palestnians get a knock on their roofs via a small rocket shelled at their rooftops. And even now the Jewish community is standing together with the rest of us denouncing this Zionist atrocities. So you see, its not about religion, its not about Jews vs Arabs. Its about oppressor vs oppressed. Its about nationalism of the Zionist state at the expense of others. Btw theres more than Zionist Jews we have to worry about... Theres Zionist Christians, Zionist Arabs, etc ... Basically the Zionist state machinery is not good for the rest of us poor smucks.... Dig? Worthwhile facts for you to ponder .... Salam jumaah & peace be upon us all ... Amin
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 22:31:42 +0000

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