I now have one theory about the left/right brained society woman: - TopicsExpress


I now have one theory about the left/right brained society woman: Because of the fact that they look at things in a linear way as society has taught them to they automatically internally confuse their self. This internal undetectable contradiction of their own thoughts may sometimes cause stress that they cant quite understand their damn selves, or if they do they just never ever make sense of it... at least not to the right brain anima aspect of the mind; or the man. The woman is naturally attuned to the left side of the brain, which is the animus aspect. When they learn from almost any modern day society they are taught to almost lose their left brain natural functioning. Society doesnt guide their students, they ridicule them into fear of making mistakes, giving them the linear profile mind. Since the woman can never truly let go of everything from the natural mind of theirs, yet they are consciously controlling themselves with the right or manly mindset, they constantly have undetectable internal contradictions of their own mind and thoughts. They internally confuse themselves, and this is why a man cant understand them, because the woman uses the mans internal mindset, yet they dont realize it. And it sometimes scares the shit out of the ignorant man, making a womans mindset appear backwards and invertedly twisted... in some weird and incomprehinsible manner. A man cant understand a woman because of this on going cycle of sub conscious contradicting of thinking levels. That is my Left brain vs. right brain theory for the day. Trying to make one theory about the womanly mindset just fried my brain. Im done on thinking for the day. Not even Albert Einstein could understand a woman, he even tells that in one of his qoutes. I geuss im insane enough to try. But I am also very well connected to the animus or left sided aspect of my thinking, part of the reason why I seem so weird to most. Maybe... just maybe I can one day.
Posted on: Fri, 06 Sep 2013 18:07:55 +0000

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