I now see more of Obamas Agenda! Obama is a sunni muslim! The - TopicsExpress


I now see more of Obamas Agenda! Obama is a sunni muslim! The Iranians are sunni! The Turkish are sunni! They want to combine Iraq in the middle and make one massive muslim caliphate, complete with sharia law! Ill bet you, Im right! Are you aware that we have Boots on the ground in Syria now training the rebels who are the ones who invaded Iraq? Are you aware that the U. S. is the largest provider of troops to NATO and the Second largest number of troops in the NATO Peace Keeping Force are Turkish? More than England, France, Scotland, etc. put together? This Peace Keeping Force aided and abetted the overthrow of Mubarek in Egypt and the installation of the muslim brotherhood government there until it was overthrown! Also, are you aware that we, the USA, pay 27% of the Costs of all U.N. PeaceKeeping Activities? Are you also aware that the Head of the Caliphate during the Inquisitions was located in Turkey? Also that Obama has given 108 Fighter Jets to Turkey who are the strongest ALLY of Iran and that Turkey and Iran blindly support each other? Many speculate that the plan is first to destroy and take over the U.S. Next they will jointly take over IRAQ and VOILA... Instant world Caliphate with the Center in Turkey! The Ottoman Kingdom reborn! Complete with sharia law, of course! This is why Valerie Jarrett, the Iranian of the Year award winner in 2008 has always been the executor of Obamas Dirty Deeds! This unelected person claims to have given the Stand Down order to our military during the BENGHAZI disaster! She is privy to all of our Highest Military Intelligence! It is common knowledge that she directs DHS! Now the question is, Will our military sit back, close their eyes, ears and mouths and allow this to happen? Will they continue… to passively be fired, accept orders they know are insane and like sheep, go along with our National Slaughter, just as they did in Benghazi? And all of this from a man who is not even American, is illegal and everyone knows it? Our United States Militarys first responsibility is to the United States of America... They are Americans, after all! They have each indidvidually sworn a sacred oath So help them, God to protect and defend our Nation and our Constitution from ALL enemies, foreign and domestic! Where are they? We are systematically being destroyed from an ENEMY WITHIN, Our own Government! In 2014, I want our military to honor their oath and SAVE us! Nothing More/Nothing Less! I promise you in one year we can pay our National Debt and Balance our Budget PLUS Eliminate Federal Income Tax by Instituting a Surcharge/Sales Tax on money we spend to buy things! No reporting/ No hassle/ No government interference in our lives! Thats what Freedom is all about! Not Anarchy... Not Dictatorship... but FREEDOM! When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Natures God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. NOW IS THE TIME FOR REVIVAL OF OUR NATION! WE MUST TAKE IT BACK! BACK TO OUR CONSTITUTION AND OUR CHRISTIAN FOUNDATION! • To check the Biblical implications of this, take time and review these links! https://youtube/watch?v=0Cq340CtbW4 https://youtube/watch?v=7g_Xv2YhJOo
Posted on: Mon, 16 Jun 2014 05:31:09 +0000

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