I occasionally will share a portion of the devotion that I receive - TopicsExpress


I occasionally will share a portion of the devotion that I receive every day if something stands out to me. Maybe its because one of my FB friends needs that devotion at that point in their life...I dont know. Today...I am posting the whole devotion...its not all that long...but longer than normal. The question is asked in the devotion...whats alive in you today? Everyone that reads this can have a different answer. For me...I want it to be God. I DO NOT always succeed and I know that its because I get in the way. MY plans take priority. MY thoughts. Soooo...step out of yourself and do an inventory of the last couple days and see where you are...and maybe where you want to be (or where God wants you to be). I know where I want to be. I also know that it will take baby steps (for all you What About Bob movie watchers)...to get there. So heres the devotion: :) “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” (Romans 12:2, NLT) She was elderly and very sweet. I was intrigued with the way she never asked, “How are you?” No, she would look you in the eye and ask, “So, what’s alive in you today?” It’s a good question. It’s something to think on. Pause right now and ask yourself, “Where did I feel most alive today, most hopeful, most near God?” Also ask, “Where did I feel most lifeless, most despairing, farthest from God? Be a better steward of your memory and let it work for you as you review your day. Let it propel you onward toward God and toward true rest and peace. (The Rest of God chapter 15 by Mark Buchanan) When we pause to examine our moments of life and lifelessness in the course of a day, we can track the wind of God’s Spirit in our lives. We can train the rhythm of our hearts. Quiet yourself and reflect on your day. When were you most alive? Most empty? What was going on in that moment? Allow God to use your memory to draw you on. Press on to all God has for you. Allow recall to train your restlessness in the direction God wants you to go toward Him.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 12:09:42 +0000

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