I offered a special Fall cleansing practice to my students tonight - TopicsExpress


I offered a special Fall cleansing practice to my students tonight and Im sharing it here for anyone who feels inspired to do some work around the yogic precept of Aparigraha (non-grasping). Here are three practices for letting go, for ten days. As you work with them, notice what changes in your inner and outer environment. 1. Get rid of 10 things every day for 10 days. Collect whatever youre letting go of in a box by the door and at the end of the 10 days donate it. I find it helpful to focus on specific areas of my home that feel crowded—10 items of clothing one day, 10 books another, etc. At the end youll have freed yourself from 100 objects that have been taking up valuable space and energy in your life. 2. Practice forgiveness. Make it an active practice—look at your resentments and grudges and see if you can finally let them go. Resentment is toxic—it keeps us stuck in the past and blocks us from being fully open to what is, here and now. Make sure to practice self-forgiveness, too. That thing you did that you feel awful about is in the past now and you can forgive yourself by acknowledging the hurt you created for yourself and others, inquiring into the reasons that you made the choices you did, and resolving to choose differently next time. 3. Conscious breathing. For 10 days, whenever you think of it, pause and take three deep, conscious breaths, and relax your body. Enjoy the space…..
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 04:25:20 +0000

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