I often get upset when people use terms like irredeemable on - TopicsExpress


I often get upset when people use terms like irredeemable on Nigeria when describing the state of despair and frustration they have when they think about the overwhelming challenges Nigeria will have to surmount to reach the noble heights of glory that it is definitely capable of reaching. What upsets and frustrates me the most is the fact that we are blessed with the resources and manpower to effortlessly get to whatever enviable heights we desire; yet we also have in abundance the manpower, lack of will, lack of values, lack of conscience; lack of loyalty indwelling in a significant number of our citizens to ensure that we continue to stagnate in the rot we find ourselves in. Only yesterday, I saw promise in a young man, Dapo Lam Adesina who having resigned as a state commissioner and deciding to run for the House of Representatives did what our own dear president and many other elected politicians do not give a damn (the own presidents words) about.... He decided to follow the path of transparency, integrity, honesty and accountability by publicly declaring his assets. I was truly impressed and elected to share his declaration on a number of groups I belong to as well as my own timeline. I was impressed that a number of respondents liked and were encouraged by his unusual transparency and call for accountability ... and some actually supported his declaration with positive and encouraging comments.... what however got me scared and gave me the chills was the negativity and skepticism expressed by others.... these are the ones that really portend a danger to Nigeria....this is clearly an indication of values that are predominant with Nigerians, i.e. the fact that a majority of us despise honesty.... someone was upset about and questioned the fact that someone who had been a state commissioner for 3 years did not have millions in his bank account .... This apparently caught Dapos attention and he aptly responded that his salary as a commissioner was 415,000 Naira and that he had responsibilities to take care of, so where was he expected to amass the millions from..... Obviously, the naysaying and the skepticism was totally uninformed and ignorant and was only derived from the fact that many Nigerians have taken the default position that every elected official must be a thief. While you can hardly fault such thoughts based on the level of corruption that is pervasive and encouraged by the elected and the electorate alike; it is really sad that a paradigm shift is nearly impossible.... our values are so eroded that a President doesnt even have to give a damn about fulfilling his own promises because he knows that whether or not he does, the consciences of a good number are already sold and manipulated for such issues to even matter..i.e. who cares about accountability?...... It is truly sad that these erosion of values is not limited to the uninformed, illiterate, unexposed and ignorant, it is sad that these same values or lack of them are shared by many folk who should know better by virtue of their upbringing, education, religious and social exposure and experiences.... but stubbornly refuse to know better ...... These are the one who justify and propagate all the things that keep us in the rot because of their diseased and shallow reasoning which are sometimes accentuated by selfish, religious, tribal and other chains that they have voluntarily chosen to bind themselves with I really know that there is hope for Nigeria but the activities of some of our compatriots give me real fears about the damage potential from the saboteurs .... Hopefully the voices of light will triumph over the voices in darkness for the sake of Nigerias future.... People like Dapo will continue to exist, but the concern is that such voices will not continue to be dulled out by the ones with eroded values. One contributor had this to say Wale Adelakun This is what I have always described as group Psychosis. A state where a group of people take as normal the abnormal. Our nation is suffering from group psychosis. What Dapo has done seem strange to do otherwise is what majority of our people take to be normal! In fact some of his relatives and members of his community will be raining curses on him by now for squandering their chance, the opportunity to put their hands in the till to share the national cake. However i still believe there is a HOPE- the remnant will deliver Nigeria. Dapo Lam Adesina I
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 11:18:06 +0000

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