I often make a point of saluting those of you out there who stay - TopicsExpress


I often make a point of saluting those of you out there who stay and fight the good fight in rabidly right-wing red states but at some point fighting the good fight is a kind of fools errand. I can only wish that all politics is cyclical and once these radical right-wingers wring what their ALEC and Koch-ed up bosses demand they wring from the government and the effects it will all have on peoples lives once they realize what such votes have wrought they will come to their senses and vote them out. Indeed, the good fight has been being fought in some areas of this country for not only decades, but centuries. I guess it is important once the electorate turns on this folks that there be those of you in place to take the fight to them. But some states are even more conservative and radically right-wing now than they were 30 or 40 years ago. I could write a whole treatise about why that is, how people vote their emotions and cultural prejudices which are so expertly and cynically stoked by the right. Such stoking has become a kind of political art form of the Republican party - especially since the election of Obama not once but twice. Nothing has instilled fear and anger and nastiness into the radical right-wing like this African American mans elevation to the highest office in the land. But we saw it also when Clinton was elected twice. The right-wing does not think anyone except a fellow right-winger is a legitimate leader and, votes be damned, they will do everything to delegitimize any duly elected person who is not from their radical camp. It is a kind of nihilism. Lets see if these nihilists can actually govern since they despise government so much. Democrats still have the White House these next two years and I hope they give the Republicans a taste of their own obstructive medicine in the senate since we still have the numbers for a filibuster. President Obama has the veto pen and Republicans dont have a 2/3 majority in either Chamber. Im hoping they give us a big fat target to run against in 2016 by showing their colors and yet theyve shown them for six years and have only been rewarded. That is what is so depressing to me this morning. Tennessee once gave us Gore. Mississippi once had William Winter as its governor. Georgia elected Jimmy Carter. Texas once elected Ann Richards. Arkansas gave us Clinton. North Carolina gave us Terry Sanford. Etc. Etc. If you think these people could be elected in those states now, youre crazy. Hell: Joni Ernst replaced Tom Harkin. Thats the state of America today. God help us. I hope She hears our prayers.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 15:35:27 +0000

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