I often wish I could take a photo or record a video with my eyes - TopicsExpress


I often wish I could take a photo or record a video with my eyes when a camera is not close by. Last night was one of those times. Jackson had just gotten out of the bath and we were in his room getting his PJs on. He decided that his Andrew Ladd and Sydney (or Cindy as he calls him) Crosby dolls should also get dressed for bed. Once we had the boys dressed Jackson decided that Crosby should also have some hockey gear. He proceeded to dress Crosby in his bike helmet (I guess that doubled as a hockey helmet), scuba goggles (face gear) and then his own skates (love his imagination). We had no gear left for Andrew Ladd so Jackson decided he would be the spectator and sat him against his wall on the bed so he could watch. He tried to stand Crosby on the bed in his skates but the helmet was a bit top heavy and he kept falling over. I suggested to Jackson that maybe Crosby was still learning to skate and maybe he could help hold him up. The lights went on in his cute little head and he agreed, he said he would be his daddy and picked him up and put him on the floor (the ice), held both his hands and started to pretend to skate around the room with him. He was being a great daddy giving Crosby some much needed encouragement as he learned to skate. He leans over then and says what Cindy? you want to skate in my arms? OK he lifts up Crosby and comments my - you are getting so heavy. LOL! Once the lesson was over he put both Ladd and Crosby in the rocking chair and told them to stay still as he was going to watch the Octonaughts. On the way out the door he paused and decided they could each read a book while they waited for daddy to come back to bed. I went to turn off the lights in the room and Jackson asked me to leave them on because his boys are scared of the dark. He then told me as we were walking downstairs that they wouldnt be afwaid later when Jackson was in the room with them as he would pwotect them. He said if he saw any monsters he would pick them up and hide them away. Doug was out of town and missed this little scene last night but Jackson told me this morning he wanted Daddy to see Cindy all dwessed up because he thinks Daddy would weally wike to see that. Love my nurturing boy!
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 12:56:03 +0000

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