I often wonder if, when they look back, Kate and Gerry see where - TopicsExpress


I often wonder if, when they look back, Kate and Gerry see where they went wrong in failing to convince the public of their innocence. Ive been reading Gerrys blog and Kates diary and the things they did so soon after claiming their beautiful 3yr old daughter had been snatched by pedophiles is crazy and beyond belief. 20 days after reporting Madeleine missing, its Saturday and because the creche is shut theres nowhere to dump the twins, so its family day. Thats nice, a bit of quality time with the twins, hard as it must have been the twins needed them and ofcourse nobody would begrudge anyone in their situation some private family time. Expect this is Kate and Gerry were talking about and their parenting skills fall far short of anyones loose definination of normal. Their family day as Gerry called it in his blog and trip to the amusements as Kate described in her diary was in fact a photo shoot for the Sunday papers. Never ones to miss an opportunity for fame and fortune, and completely blind to how this might be perceived, they drag their children off to take part in their ridiculous craving of attention. Honestly, doesnt it make you feel sick ? I could understand people in their alleged position wanting to keep appealing in the media, but these two were clowning around in some sort of Punch and Judy stage. What message were they trying to get accross here?, all thats missing from this photo is wish you were here printing on the bottom. Less than 3 weeks gone and again theyre grinning like lottery winners for the world to see. If my child was missing and some trashy tabloid asked me to pose for a photo like that, Id assume theyd lost their mind. Kates diary, Saturday, May 26th: We went to an amusement park with the kids. Some phone calls, emails etc. Not a very good day for either the two of us some dark thoughts/frustrations/desperations creeping in. Some tears. They dont look very frustrated or desperate to me. They look like a family without a care in the world. The thing Kate and Gerry dont get, is that desperation and dark thoughts cant be switched on and off whenever someone dangles a pay check and asks you to say cheese.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 18:19:44 +0000

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