I once was lost but now I am found, was blind but now I see. - TopicsExpress


I once was lost but now I am found, was blind but now I see. Good morning all And happy Monday. Yessirree, thats what I woke up singing. I dont recall what I was dreaming about that I woke up singing Amazing Grace and once again I was reminded that at one time in my life this ole boy was lost and I needed to be found and a whole slew of saints in the Lord sent up their Amber Alert of prayers and low & behold I was found and on that faithful day in March of 1978 y eyes were opened and I was no longer blind to the sins of this world and I could see that I needed a Savoiur and that Savoiur was None other than Christ our Lord and on March 28, 1978 I came to the crossroads of my life my new life and I began to walk a different path and my heart began to beat to a different drum and from that moment on my life would never be the same. Thank God for that. Does it mean that life got easier and I never had any hardships in my life? Absolutely not, in fact, in some ways life for me got harder but the great news is that no matter what I have to face in life today, I never have to face it ALONE. You see, the moment I (we) believe Jesus Christ SEALS the Holy Spirit of promise within us and that SEAL my friends cannot be broken by anyone but Christ himself. What a calm assurance to know that God saved me simply because I made a choice. I chose to believe that Jesus Christ as the Son of God came to earth born as a babe in a manger, grew to be a man, suffered and died on a cross on a hill called Calvary for You and for Me and was buried in a tomb and after 3 days He rose again holding in his hands the keys to life and death and by simply believing this truth I (we) could be saved from hell and from the wrath that is yet to come. And my friends as bad as this ole world is today, the turmoil that we face everyday, I have peace with it all because this ole boy is a child of the KING and this King is the King of Kings and the peace that I have, the world didnt give, my peace comes fro God. The world didnt give it to me and the world CANT take it away. And it is ALWAYS my hopes & my prayers that ALL of you will find and hold onto this peace too. I love you all but GREATER still my friends, God loves you. Have a great day all and God bless and may the peace of God which passes ALL understanding keep our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Hugs all around.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 10:12:52 +0000

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