I only have a mild hearing loss; do I really need to wear hearing - TopicsExpress


I only have a mild hearing loss; do I really need to wear hearing aids? by Dr. Elise Gregoire, Au.D. Ah, yes, the million dollar question: do I really need hearing aids? Many patients ask this question, regardless of the degree of hearing loss. Although the question may seem to have an easy “yes” or “no” answer, the answers get tricky fast. First and foremost, we need to identify your goals. Consider the following questions to help sort through your thoughts: •What is/are the most important things for me to hear and/or understand? •What do I NEED to hear and/or understand? •What isn’t so important to me but is for my loved ones? •How well do I actually hear and understand these things? •What am I willing and able to do about it? Answer these questions as honestly as possible. Maybe even ask close friends and family members what they think. The things we miss may not always be obvious to us, but to our nearest and dearest, it is often much more apparent. Allow them to provide their observations and make suggestions, but be sure the final answers belong to you. Owning the answers to these questions will make the rest of the journey much clearer. Great, well done you! The tough part is actually over! Not too bad, right? Now that we have a clear understanding of what you need and want, let’s get back to the question at hand: do I really need hearing aids for a mild hearing loss? If you find you’re missing out on the important pieces of your life, then the answer is yes. Why miss out on your spouse whispering sweet nothings in your ear or a child telling you about the butterfly they caught? Having worked with many family members facing the same question, I can understand if you’re still on the fence. You are a young, healthy individual who has managed every other challenging situation without an “aid”. However, there are mechanisms at work that may not be within your control. Keeping your body and mind young and healthy is a great way to happily navigate towards a strong future. In saying this, perhaps considering the health of your neural pathways might make more sense to you. Our brains are fascinating, complex structures and the neural structures of our auditory system that send sound information to our brain are no exception. This neural network requires stimulation in order to maintain its health and function. By providing proper sound inputs to your brain, you are helping keep the neural centers young and healthy; much like exercise does for our bodies. Don’t put the health of your ears and hearing on hold for another day. One of the best ways you can stay young is by understanding your body. Let us help! Contact your nearest Whisper Hearing Center to schedule an appointment with a Doctor of Audiology to have your hearing evaluated and learn about ways to protect and nourish the great things you have.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 18:30:12 +0000

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