I only just a few moments ago ended a very poignant phone - TopicsExpress


I only just a few moments ago ended a very poignant phone conversation between Malba and I. We reason often, both in person, and on the phone, but this time around, our reasoning session was different. You see, I had called him last week, but he was away on vacation in Jamaica, and so I got his voicemail box, and left a message. I called again about 2 days ago, and once again got his voicemail box. Anyway, a mutual friend of ours needed me to get some info from him, and so I called again and this time around got him, and thats when he told me he was in Jamaica during my 2 recent phone calls. So with the knowledge of the friendship between him and the late Raymond Cloggy Clarke, I asked him if during his most recent trip to Yaad, if he was able to visit his long time footballer bredrin, and he went on to tell me of a series of events leading up to him and company linking up at Cloggys Joint, down there in St. Elizabeth. Btw, food for thought, Malba and I have an inside joke where he frequently says, pul een di gut whenever were taking pics at various link ups, referencing our not so flat belly. Lol... And so Malba told me that he, Johnny Pung and both their wives went to visit dem bredrin Cloggy, and as soon as Cloggy saw him, he said to him (Malba), as he rested his hand on Malbas gut, and rub it cupple time and said, Malba mi bredda, yuh tap play ball eeh look like? Referring of course to the not so flat gut that Malba the drum major of the pull een di gut comment every time before wi tek pics at various functions here in NYC. And so he told me that they had some good laughs for old time sake, and then he told me how fit and trim Cloggy looked, and how he said he (Cloggy) still plays ball. He went on to tell me how Cloggy has a very nice place on the beach front, and how he was looking forward to returning very soon. And so he left his bredrin, with those happy thoughts from the visit, and more happy return thoughts, which as it turned out, were not to be, as he just like all of us, got the bad news of his bredrins untimely death. Talking to him today, I could hear in his every word, how visibly shaken he was, by virtue of his tone, as he should, just losing a friend. So I asked him what was the cause of death, and he told me that Cloggy had an episode of high blood pressure, followed by a massive stroke, and ensuingly a heart attack. Which is a hard pill to swallow, given his age, and good physical shape. Malba and I went on to discuss the important subject of taking care of our bodies, by doing our regular doctor check ups, which is often neglected, because were supposedly feeling fine, and looking good. However, thats one of the biggest myths, often embraced by so many of our people, Jamaican men in particular, who for one reason or the other, dont get their prostate check, colonoscopy and blood pressure checked. Truth is, outside can look fine, as in the case of Cloggy, but a lot going on inside the hidden part of the body. Right here on this very page, weve lost brothers to heart conditions, prostate and colon cancer etc., and yet Im not sure that the health alert messages are being received! We will miss our brother dearly, however, please dont let his sudden passing be in vane, but rather use his death as an example to henceforth take proper care of our bodies, as we only get one. Get your regular doctor check ups men of might, it is a matter of life and death. Give tanx fi di nuff memories unda di Park lights bredrin Trod on Cloggy... Even in death... CC fi life!!!! More light beloved. Gwaan roll 2 ball ova yonda zeen king man? Protection... CC fi life!!!
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 22:54:17 +0000

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