I open my eyes to see I was standing in a hallway. This corridor - TopicsExpress


I open my eyes to see I was standing in a hallway. This corridor was literally endless. The carpet was blood red brown. The walls were tan. A light hung from the ceiling every five feet. The doors were spaced to be between the lights. So many doors. All the same red as the carpet. it reminded me of an old hotel. The corridor went n for what felt like forever. I couldnt even see the end. I wasnt sure if I wanted to. I started to walk down the hall. Every door I tried was locked. The cooper doorknobs looked as old as the civil war. Something about this place sent a coldness running through me. My spine felt more like ice then bone. The dust in the carpet made it hard to breath. The dimmed lights made it look like everything was almost hazy. Every handle was colder then the last. I stopped trying to open the doors when my hand went numb from the coldness. It was then that the fifth door down on my left opened by itself. A blue flickering light cascaded out of the newly open room. It looked like someone had left the tv on. As I got closer to the open door my hair started to stand. My pulse felt faster. The sweat dripped down my forehead even though I was freezing. I got to the open door to see what lied behind it. I froze in a paralyzingly fear and astonishment. This place wasnt a hotel There was no bed. No tv, not even a room behind the door that magically opened itself. I saw me. I saw a younger version of myself. He was in a grey blue track jacket I always use to wear. Torn blue jeans, and black van sneakers. He was sitting in this darkness under a blue spotlight that flickered from above him. He was drawing in a black leather bound sketchbook. He didnt notice me. He just kept drawing. Papers laid around him as though he was flowing with ideas. When I tried to walk into this place I couldnt walk past the threshold. It was like a force kept me in the hallway. The young me then stopped drawing. He didnt look up from the book. He started to snicker. It was a cold villainous snicker. I blacked away slowly. His head shot up and the door slammed shut. Before the door shut I saw his eyes. Cold lifeless pure black eyes. Where was I?
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 07:14:23 +0000

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