I open the curtains to let the morning sun flood my home and grief - TopicsExpress


I open the curtains to let the morning sun flood my home and grief pays a visit as well...on such a beautiful day!? I let it in and gently we find a place to meet. Nothing can be kept together when it comes to visit... No meditation, inversions on the beach, no green tea and reading. No, this morning it seems that everything must fall apart. And so I meet my dear old friend. This close friend that I use to shun for so many years and here we truly meet. The tears stream, I ache and yearn and all I can do is tenderly be with it all. I find a gentle place to fall without any notion of how long or how much I will endure. To let all be here as long as it needs a place to be land. I notice the mind wanting to add its drama. I allow the story to come and let it go. Just being with the felt sense and accepting this visitor in. Walking down to the sea with some romantic, poetic notion that I can wash the tears away, yet they flow again. I let my tears mingle with the sea as she holds me and lavishes my body with her smooth clear, cool water. Walking back across the beach to my home, it seems the sun would like some too. So I let the sun have them and the morning breeze caresses and wipes them away. Slowly I make my way around my home. Always more things to do. New Clients today, markets to buy my beloved, delicious organic food. Tasks for Path of Love. As I prepare to tenderly step out into the world, a quiet, clear receptivity to life fills my heart. It seems this visitor maybe staying a little longer today. So we will walk gently together and I will hear what it has to say. Like the Taoist Fool. All I can do is to gently go, step by step and deeply trust. Letting go of surrounding my self with knowledge of what to do with this and being reborn in each moment. The trees seem greener, the birds song sweeter. My tender heart freer, the mind is quiet. My gut feels calm, relaxed, confident and present. Walking a Path of Love.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 22:42:03 +0000

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