I originally posted this in a local group (Speak Out Richmond) but - TopicsExpress


I originally posted this in a local group (Speak Out Richmond) but I think that others need to benefit from this too. I see that obesity has seized many Richmondites and I want to encourage YOU to do something about it. I am about 30 pounds over my ideal weight. A lot of that is because of my person limitations of exercising. However, most people could probably ride a bike although they might not be able to walk very far. It is just a matter of do you WANT to do it? I just got back from my first 8 mile road ride (yesterday and actually today) on my bicycle since my knee surgery. I’ve been using my trainer because I wasn’t sure if my knee would hold up. The trainer is nice because you don’t have to worry about the weather and rude motorists that won’t move over or are texting while driving. However, I forgot just how awesome it is to get out and ride! It is a beautiful day and riding into the wind was more difficult than I remembered. Not to mention the hills etc. One thing about the trainer is that you have to pedal in order to get the miles in unlike on the road you can coast at times. One thing that will change is I am going to get up earlier and ride because the high noon ride thing is not for me! Something that I want to mention to bikers and runners… if you are coming up on someone tell them that you are there. Don’t assume that they have a high dollar outfit like you and have a mirror where they see you coming up on them. I had two bikers buzz past me without saying a thing. Then one person (less “outfitted”) extend me the courtesy. Is this like it is with cars… that is, those driving BMW’s or Mercedes think they own the road and if you have an expensive bike and all the latest gear you don’t have to say anything. And that people should just pull over to the side of the road? Oh, and this was on the bike trail! Anyways, if you have a bike get out and ride. I’m not a runner and with my bad knees I won’t be. But, I love to get out into nature and ride a few miles. This week is all 8 miles, next week will be 12 miles per day. I HAVE to get back into shape. Here’s the hard part… actually getting up off your butt and doing it! I tried making excuses today but I told myself that I HAD to do it. I have 100 other things that I could have done but I MADE myself do it. Now, after my shower I am glad that I did it. I have a mountain bike and it is a pretty nice one. It doesn’t matter what you have just get out and ride! I work on average 70-80 hrs a week besides my hobbies and other interests and chores. I am making time... So, WHAT’S YOUR EXCUSE for not being in shape? We all have them!
Posted on: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 11:29:19 +0000

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