I overheard a conversation between two ladies at the gym the other - TopicsExpress


I overheard a conversation between two ladies at the gym the other day, and it spurred on some thought for me, I thought I would share! So often I hear ladies complaining about themselves. Their weight, their hair, their skin tones, acne, zits…. The list goes on. Why? Why do we as women so harshly criticize our bodies? What form of perfection are we comparing ourselves with? Each of us knows that the pictures that we are seeing in magazines are photo shopped! We might be comparing ourselves to the people in Hollywood. The majority of those people are not happy. The divorce rate is sky high, you hear about drug overdoses all the time. I really don’t want my life to look that that. Do you? While they may have the body that you would love to have, do you want everything that they have gone through to get it? I challenge you to rethink the way that you view yourself. Stop being so critical! I hate to break it to you, but chances are that you will not look like a movie star. You may not have that gorgeous hair, flat stomach, or a toned, tight butt. However, you need to start enjoying the body that you have. God made you the way that you are for a reason. It is ok to eat that dessert if you want to. I’m not saying go on an eating binge… moderation is key! You only get one body, take care of it. Live your life though! enjoy it! Don’t be so paranoid about what the scale may say the next day. The second part of this is, there are younger girls are listening to the way that you talk about yourself. Each person has some level of influence over others. Don’t make your influence be a negative one! You know that you are going to die anyways! Your body is going to be maggot food, decay and eventually become just a pile of bones. Enjoy who you are right now!
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 18:44:14 +0000

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