I placed the halter on her pretty head and began our walk together - TopicsExpress


I placed the halter on her pretty head and began our walk together through my memories. I was leading my baby girl to a place from my childhood that I have, for what seems like forever, been wanting to return to. Just behind us followed her yearling colt, practically taking each step on top of his mothers own hoof prints. As we walked into the woods on a downhill slope, she began her nervous snort. She had never been here before, never left the comfort of her pasture or yard. My mind couldnt help but wonder if she thought I was taking her away. My heart beat with excitement and I could feel her energy stirring with mine and this made for a faster pace down a slippery trail. Finally I had to bring us both to a stop before I lost control and was quiet certain I wasnt prepared to ski on wet leaves and moss while being rear-ended by a gangly legged colt. Once at the bottom of the trail a new world opened up and she stared wide eyed across they way before she turned to check on her son. One more hill to make our way down and we could cross Padgett Lane. Just at the gate we stopped and both horses rushed to the green grass growing on the outside. I stood there looking up the old barn road where so many moments lingered in time. My first pony, sled rides, my first run away horse ride, laughter from games of hide and seek echoed, and joy from my past flooded my mind and heart. Nothing in comparison to the gates of Heaven but, the thought did cross my mind as I swung the metal away and invited my babies in. Dasher wanted to see everything, curious about every tree and where the road would lead him. Rumour stood very alert next to me and stared out over a new land and all the while keeping one eye on Dasher. I couldnt remove the halter just yet. I waited until her breathing slowed to normal and her nerves calmed a bit. I spoke to her as I rubbed her outstretched neck in hopes that she understood that she wasnt being taken away and assure her that she was safe. She stood so still and I stood right there never intending to make the first move. For a moment I thought she would bolt but, she snorted one more time and stared at me. I hung the halter on the old fence post and smiled at her saying Go for it baby She trotted a few feet away and down went her head to touch the earth and smell the pasture and graze. I looked up to see my Nanas boy meandering around and exploring like all little boys do. I called his name and he came running towards me and joined his mama. Its hard to explain how it felt to see them in a new place. I cant see them from my kitchen window in the morning and there was a lingering sadness that I couldnt shake for that reason. I walked towards the woods edge and stood where our old run through once stood for our ponies. There are still remanence of it laying on the ground and this reminded me of how good this was. How badly I wanted to share this with my horses has for years been within my sight yet, just out of my reach for reasons of the land being leased but, today ... the 11 year old me ran through the pastures of home. I passed through the old trails that were still as beautiful, I used an old fallen tree as a footbridge to cross the creek, I walked the fence line and looked up our driveway to see that Rumour was looking in the same direction. From where we stood we could both see the fence of Whippoorwill Horses and it seemed we both found a comfort in knowing we werent going to be far apart. Both of us lost in thought for a moment, a car came driving past us and startled us both. This scared Rumour and Dasher just enough to go for a run. Dasher mirrored his bother and arched his neck as he pranced along beside her and this gave way to a full gallop, leaping and play. The rippling sound of the water called for me to sit for awhile ... so I did. Hanging my legs down the grassy slope towards the water I was surrounded by these pretty little purple flowers that look like Daisies. The sun was warm and the day was perfect. Sights, sounds and smells brought back things that had blurred over time but, I could see my mom slinging a cycle blade to clear the creek banks, I envisioned my dad with his favorite reel bringing in a big Rainbow Trout while my little brother and I rode our ponies over the hilltops. I know it will sound silly to some but, I picked a daisy for my mom, my dad and all those in Heaven that I knew had something to do with this and sent the little flowers floating down this sweet stream of water ... in their memory. Home is where the heart is, where memories grow, where laughter springs up and you feel like you belong. I led two of my babies home today, I walked back in time in my own way, I thanked God for another prayer answered and for allowing me to be right where I sat and the company at my side and those who linger in my heart. I will keep Study horse and Annabelle here close to monitor their healing but, tomorrow Gus and Jackson will take that walk and, again Ill feel a missing part of me finding its way back. Thank You Again Uncle Abe
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 02:31:05 +0000

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