I played the original Wasteland game on the Apple ][e back in the - TopicsExpress


I played the original Wasteland game on the Apple ][e back in the day, of course, so I chose to back the KS for Wasteland 2 when it rolled around. Ive spent some off hours playing the game now that its in release, and there are many reviews out there talking about its crude graphics, tongue-in-cheek humor, 80s apocalyptic feel, and so on. But it has a different sensibility that you dont see too often in modern adventure video games, one that I like: In Wasteland 2, your Desert Ranger team is sent forth into the wasteland to help people, to build communities, and make things better. Now, no doubt about it, a lot of this is done by finding fartknockers whore ruining things for everyone and bludgeoning them with metal pipes or putting a few ounces of metal through their heads at high velocities. Nevertheless, your primary goal -- one reinforced to you by the Rangers as an organization and by your superiors -- is to make life better for people in the post-apocalyptic wasteland. Not bring back all the scavenged technology you can find, not kill everyone who gets in your way, not pursue your personal vendetta across the desert until you kill the person who wronged you. Youre reminded time and again to set a good example, to fix the broken machines that communities have salvaged for survival, to talk through problems if you can and only use your fists and your guns if you must. Use your knowledge for good. Minister to the sick. Protect the weak. Alleviate suffering and restore hope. Yeah, you do lean on your fists and your guns a lot. But you also do a lot of talking, and you can go the extra mile to settle problems with resolutions that make things better for everyone. Not every time, and not always in the best possible way, but enough that it hammers home that if you make the effort, if you think your problems through and you find reasons for people to work together, you can solve a heck of a lot of problems. Its not just about you, the lone hero with a personal quest, taking on the bad guy to save the world. Its your team, Ranger Team Echo, serving a greater good by doing your best to make a difference. Thats a nice message to get from a video game.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 05:13:23 +0000

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