I post a lot on liberals and conservative groups. The liberal - TopicsExpress


I post a lot on liberals and conservative groups. The liberal responses to my comments can be hysterical and of course downright insulting. But thats their right....I do not hide the fact that I am black and my fb page is basically open to the public. I am going to post a conversation between 3 people and also my response. If anyone who chooses to read it and doesnt find it not only racist but funny, you have no sense of humor: Person M. Anyone here believe Cynthia Washington is really a woman of color? Person M Seriously, I know I am engaging in stereotypes to even ask this question, but if you chart her concerns and interest she fits the profile of a cranky old red neck white dude . (this one I could not stop laughing) Person A. You just asked the question I had on my mind. Cynthias pictures show a woman of color. Are all these pictures just a camouflage of who she is? Because her views are not like ones of a color woman ..(this was way over the top and I am still LMBO) Person M. My suspicion, its a racist white guy and he created the fake profile of a black woman so he couldnt get accused of racism (getting stranger by the minute (still LMBO) Person A. You are so right Brother, Cynthia trying to fool us..LOL. (Really??..still LMBO) Person V. Clarence Thomas sister for sure (On this comment I thanked them for the great comparison, but said I am definitely not in his league..still LMBO) Now my response to them... I really dont have to explain myself, but since you racist individuals dump all blacks in the same box I will give you a little bit of history....I am a black woman and proud of it. I got the real history of the democrat and republican party origin from members of my family as I was growing up... The dems were KKK, carpet baggers and saw black people as their property. The republican party was made up of several blacks with whites to fight against those who wanted slavery to continue. I worked in the cooperate environment where I ran into many politicians of both parties. I am a very inquisitive and observant individual that got an opportunity to verify in my time if what I was taught about these two groups still resonated.. When we had corporate meetings several members of both parties would attend meetings to discuss future endeavors for business deals. I worked very hard and many longs days. I found out what I was taught was still true. Example: because I was black and single parent democrat politicians asked me why I work so hard? I quote: You are a black woman and single parent so you dont have to even work as there are many government programs that would subsidize your needs. I did not even answer them.. the republicans were just the opposite. They were very complimentary about my work and never mentioned my color..one even said if I found myself unemployed give his office a call...However, I retired from that company. whether you believe this or not is your problem..I am a self thinker and dont follow the crowd and dont need some corrupt government to take care of me and mind. There are a lot more of us who dont criticize based on color, we criticize because of corrupt government, propaganda, poor performance and leadership.. I did the same when Bush was in office. He made a lot of mistakes, but one thing about him he loved this country..If you want to believe that I am not who I claim to be to justify how and what you support go for it..most times my fb wall is open to the public.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 01:43:39 +0000

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