I post this about once a month because i think it is one of the - TopicsExpress


I post this about once a month because i think it is one of the most important things needing debunked. There is a common belief that info that resonates with you is most likely true. This is wrong. Things resonate with you for several reasons, but none are exclusively due to truth. I used to be into internet marketing and saw lots of success,,and have studied propaganda independently for many years. There is a science to marketing and propaganda and it focuses heavily on language and causing things to resonate with the reader/viewer. A good writer can make things resonate without including a single ounce of truth. The resonating feeling stems from writer articulation, buzz words that trigger emotions, herding the reader to a preconceived idea by strategically ordering the topics of the subject in a particular way, using appeals to authority and other logical fallacies people dont normally recognize, and many other methods. Like i said, its a science. Using your feelings to analyze information is not advanced, its primitive. Its how false religions were able to rule ignorant people for centuries. Logic and critical thinking stems from the higher consciousness and can prove feelings to be false identifiers. What worries me is that this belief of things resonating with you automatically making them true is purposely put out there to get people to stop using logic and critical thinking when processing information, thus making any propaganda much more effective without having to actually make the propaganda more advanced. Think about a white supremacist. If i showed him factual information proving blacks are just as human as whites, do you think that would resonate with him. On the contrary if I presented him with disinfo stating whites have more advanced DNA, would that not resonate with him? On the marketing side, i could show a diehard diet coke fan factual info on the dangers of the drink they love so much and it wont resonate, but show them a clever advert for diet coke and theyll light up like they are being fed the gospel directly from angels. Dont believe everything that you breathe (youll get a parking violation and a maggot on your sleeve)
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 13:52:55 +0000

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