I post this conversation between a Self Proclaimed Atheist and a - TopicsExpress


I post this conversation between a Self Proclaimed Atheist and a Believer to highlight some important points when witnessing to the lost:- 1. Never, ever get angry or upset when conversing with unbelievers. This is not our battle, its the Lords. We dont have to win it. 2. Listen to the Holy Spirit before every reponse that you make. Be directed by Him. He will tell you which issues to ignore and which to focus on as only He knows the unbelievers heart. 3. Know your scriptures even though you wont be able to use them much. Gods Word is a powerful double-edged sword. We will never know just how effective it is. 4. Agree with your antagonist at every possible opportunity. Heap coals of fire onto their head. 5. Dont give up but do leave when you are released. Self Proclaimed Atheist (SPA)::Actually, I think a lot of people shy away from any god because they dont believe in them. As my T-shirt says: Will convert for evidence. — Believer (Blvr)::You know Ive never come across anyone who says they dont believe theres a God. Most people say that we cant KNOW if theres a God or not, and thats different. Well, I also cant KNOW if theres a God or not thats why I use my faith (that He gives us). The amazing thing is, the more you apply your faith the more certain you are that God DOES exist. So, if I understand your T-shirt correctly SPA, then yes, convert and see the evidence. The problem will be one of attitude. God knows our hearts and if were converting for the wrong reasons well find it very difficult to fall under the power of the Holy Spirit and be blessed so that we know, by faith, that God exists — Self Proclaimed Atheist::Im often faced with this kind of twisted logic. Im especially surprised in this case though, as it shows that my text was not read correctly. Evidence FIRST, then Ill convert. There is, and never has been, a single scrap of evidence that any god ever existed. As there is no evidence either for fairies, pixies or ghosts. Youve never come across ANYONE who said they dont believe theres a god?? Do you live in a rabbit warren? — Believer::My humble apologies SPA, you are the first — Self Proclaimed Atheist::Please dont apologize. I do find it truly amazing though that Im the first atheist youve come across. There are billions of us, and I am one of the most outspoken. I was raised in the Jewish religion and I never believed a word of it, from the moment I could think for myself, around 4 years old. I do wish more people would choose free-thinking, its so liberating! — Believer::Science is unable to prove the non-existence of anything. Even Stephen Hawking was recorded saying recently that when we get back beyond the big bang well find God. Theres a lot of evidence that God exists but its as hypothetical as any other theory of such significance and therefore cannot be proved. As a believer Im very comfortable with that because without faith it is impossible to please God. The amazing thing is, that was written long before our scientific era, which leads me to believe that it wasnt written by accident. So far, every self-confessed atheist that Ive ever had a chance to really discuss the issues with has turned out to be an agnostic. Im an agnostic: we cannot know for sure. If we could, we would not need the faith that pleases Him. If you like to be liberated, try Jesus. Hes eternally liberating, not just three score years and ten... — Self Proclaimed Atheist::Stephen Hawking no more believes in any gods than he believes in a Flying Spaghetti Monster. Science does not, and never has, set out to prove the non-existence of anything. It sets out to identify what we can safely assume to be correct. When it makes mistakes, as it often does, it sets out to find where it went wrong and correct it. Religion, on the other hand, started off trying to explain natural phenomena, like thunder and lightning, by explaining these things as the work of a supernatural being - simply because we didnt know any better at that time. Its time to put aside childish things and embrace reality. I will NEVER, try Jesus, as I am already liberated and have been for some 57 years. — Believer::I didnt say Stephen Hawking does or does not believe in God, but you seem to know him very well, so Ill take your word for it that he doesnt Sure, the ancients saw all sorts of things in otherwise very natural phenomena, to prove the existence of many things. And the issues become even more clouded when you thow bhuddism, hinduism, islamism (ouch) and catholicism into the mix. But Im not talking about religion... — Self Proclaimed Atheist::Without science, we would not be exchanging views on Facebook. There would be no Facebook, no Internet, no telephones, none of the luxuries so many take for granted. Without science, the money I pay every month to Water Aid (a Christian organization that brings clean water to people in Africa), would not be transferred automatically into their bank account every month, so that they, using my money, can save childrens lives. Yes, science also makes guns and tanks and bombs possible, but then religion does far more hateful things in the world. If youre talking about Jesus, then you are talking about religion - what else could it be? How many Christians, Jews and even devout Muslims have to be murdered and raped by other Muslims, all in the name of something that cant be proved and never will be? — Believer::Im not anti-science SPA, where did I give you that impression? The word religion has taken on a meaning that includes believers but true believers are NOT religious, by any means. Religion is mans attempt to earn salvation, a puny effort and heavily discouraged in the scriptures. Even as far back as Isaiah, God told the people even the greatest [religious] things you do are as filthy rags before Me. Obviously I do not condone any violence in the name of religion. — Self Proclaimed Atheist::If some god told people stuff back in Isaiah, then why arent we hearing him now? Why is he so shy? Try reading God is Not Great by Christopher HItchens or The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins. Look up Russells Teapot on Wikipedia. Please, give us some proof! — Believer::You are missing the point SPA, which is, I dont need proof, because the moment I have proof then I dont need faith. Im not going to read the stuff you recommend primarily because I dont have the time. But you can rest assured that I have read plenty like it over the years but I always arrive back at one salient point. These people spend a lot of time proving that something that doesnt exist, doesnt exist. Very strange... — Self Proclaimed Atheist::I understand the point completely, not missing anything. Its me who needs the proof, and there has never been any in the history of the Universe. — Believer::What level of proof do you need? To put your fingers into the hands and feet of the one they nailed to the cross? Perfectly understandable. — Self Proclaimed Atheist::Anything will do. It wont happen though, because its all a nice little fairy-tale, created by semi-literate goat-herders who thought the sun revolved around the earth. If some supernatural being created humankind, why did it wait 13.6 billions years after the Universe began to form? A long time to be twiddling your fingers for an omnipotent being, who even now cant (or wont) stop thousands of children dying in Africa while weve been discussing this. I want nothing to do with such a capricious super-being. — Believer::Also understandable, but alas, not completely justified. If an omnipotent Being elects to create an autonomous look-alike who are we to tell Him to intervene in our affairs because were not running the show very well, er, disastrously? Either were autonomous or were not. It was you that sang high praises for your liberating freedom. Cant have it both ways unfortunately. But I will challenge you in this: get Africa to turn from its wicked ways, give their hearts and minds to God and then well talk. — Self Proclaimed Atheist::Wicked ways! I know many, many Africans and they are all as Christian as you. In fact, Ive never met an African who wasnt a Christian, while at the same time being extremely good. Wicked ways! You sound like the English member of parliament who said that the floods we recently experienced in one tiny corner of the UK were punishment for allowing gay freedoms. The whole free will argument is so full of holes it doesnt even deserve discussion. Im gonna close here. There is no god. There are no gods. Full stop. — Believer::Goodnight SPA — Self Proclaimed Atheist::Keep dreaming, if it makes you happy, Blvr!
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 22:58:03 +0000

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