I posted on here several weeks ago that I was going to start - TopicsExpress


I posted on here several weeks ago that I was going to start talking more about why we, as homesteaders, do what we do. Since posting that, Ive deliberately sat back and just monitored a lot of different situations that are taking place around the globe as well as right here in America. Americas open border......ebola....... ISIS........ Russia.......China...... Fukushima....... California drought...... American Economy....... Israel/Gaza conflict.......Different Gov. Agencies stockpiling mass amounts of ammunition..... Unemployment rate in America...... Record numbers of folks on Food Stamps....... and the list could go on. The list above is a mixture of causes and effects. Were living in a proverbial House of Cards. At any given moment any one of those cards could give, and the whole thing will come tumbling down. Im convinced that the American Economy has already crashed but due to the global impact of admitting to it, the powers that be are softening the blow by continuing to prop up the US dollar thereby letting us down easy........and you know what?, I appreciate that simply because it gives those of you who havent gotten yourself and/or your family prepared for whats coming, more time to do so. Since posting that original thought about us starting to talk about the real issues and laying things out of the table, Maverick Homestead has lost around 100 fans. Although it saddens me to see folks move on, Im grateful that we are able to become a more like minded community with each others best interests at heart. Sometimes you just gotta weed your garden. I know that there will be others who choose to move on down the road but I cant ignore the 500 lb. gorilla in the room and not talk about whats going on and how we are all going to be affected in the very near future. A lot of folks will call this....fear mongering......I call it, having your eyes wide open, being alert to whats going on around you, and making simple preparations to help sustain us through what lies ahead. Im not scared, nor should you be unless you are doing nothing. I believe in God, I refer to Him as Yahweh, and I find peace in my belief that He is in charge and knows how all of this plays out. I also know that He gave me a brain and expects me to use it. People tell me all the time that they dont prep because God will provide for them in their time of need. All Im gonna say about that is this......If you are one of those people, think about this.......Faith and stupidity dont mix. If you havent started prepping yet, here is what I believe you should do right now.....today....this week. Make sure you have a bare minimum of 2 weeks of water and food put back just to get through the initial impact of a crisis situation. Once youve got that squared away, then your next goal is 1 months worth.....then work your way up from there. Store foods that are high in protein and store foods that you will eat. I know someone who stored a years worth of tuna because of the long shelf life but they hated tuna.....probably not a great idea.....not starting out anyway. Make sure that you have a continual source of fresh water and a way to filter it......THIS IS VITAL! Ill post later today or in the morning.....a list of items that I have in our food storage, as well as a list of suggestions for what to store. Im also gonna talk about gold and silver.......my thoughts on this might surprise you. I want to hear your thoughts.........your thoughts on whats currently going on.......what you are most concerned about.......and what you are doing to prepare. If you have thoughts or questions that youd like to share or ask about in private, feel free to message me here or email me at maverickhomestead@gmail. That email goes directly to me and Ill get back with you. Remember, that in the midst of all of this, dont let it consume you. We live in a beautiful world, please take the time to enjoy it and make the most of everyday. We arent guaranteed tomorrow. I sure love you guys! ~ Hop
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 14:46:22 +0000

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