I posted the bare bones of this on another page but heres what - TopicsExpress


I posted the bare bones of this on another page but heres what happened when I had my big one as a teenager... I was 17 and had had my provisional for 2 months and a 75 RD200 that was gorgeous, I had just got my first job and had been home for dinner and was just heading back to work, admittedly I was running late so was doing around 60 in a 30 limit, it was dry warm and good visibility and there was no traffic so wheres the harm eh ? as I approached a car parked at the side of the road i moved to the center of the road to pass it, then the driver suddenly did a u turn from the kerb, no indicators, no warning, I remember hitting the brakes, no time to stop as I was right on top of it, it was a mk3 cortina estate, I hit it in the rear drivers side door, I was glad I was knocked unconscious as I think it would have hurt, as I said I remember braking then waking up on the other side of the car around 50 feet up the road with someone sitting on my chest to stop me moving, on impact my knees went through the door window and hit the little girl in the seat behind the driver in the face which broke her nose, my head hit the top of the car and trampolined me high in the air, aside from the most incredible gravel rash (I wasnt wearing protective gear then) my left shin bone was shattered and left thigh was snapped and the broken end pierced the skin and severed the femoral artery, I landed face down and the protruding bone ground down by 1 1/2 on the road, when i came round I was bleeding out very fast, I apparently had a minute left at the most, as it turned out the bloke on my chest was an off duty nurse who just happened to be walking past at the time and saw it all, he stopped the blood loss and saved my life, a true hero. It took a 12 steel plate, 14 pins, 30 pints of blood and 4 hours in surgery to save me and my leg and I was in plaster for a year and on crutches for two, looking back with more experience I think I could have handled it better, slow down a bit, be more aware of people in apparently parked cars and watch for their movements, less panicked braking would have helped too, there is a bit of a continuation to this, but maybe later.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 16:29:50 +0000

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