I posted the following on October 4th -- 5 days ago: Jailhouse - TopicsExpress


I posted the following on October 4th -- 5 days ago: Jailhouse Rock was filmed between May 13, 1957 and June 17, 1957 -- a very tight five week production schedule. It starred Elvis Presley, at the time only 22 years old his co-star was 24 year old Judy Tyler, known back then as Princess Summerfall Winterspring in the TV show Howdy Doody there is a haunting irony to this song in that the beautiful young actress to whom he sings will be dead within weeks of the film wrap, killed in a car wreck on July 4th -- 3 months BEFORE the films release of course, Elvis would die only 20 years later it has been said that Elvis would never watch the final version of the film since he was so distraught over the death of Judy Tyler !!! for whatever reason, out of nowhere, this song started playing in my head it would not surprise me to see another beautiful young actress pass in the very near future . . . that was my post from Oct 4th Elvis died in 1977, my father died in 1977 and I fell in love in 1977 with Stephania Jo Ross (who I married in 1978) also, like Elvis when this happened I was 22 years old all this ties together in an even funkier way . . . not more than 10 minutes ago, I posted a video of my first love - Ava Gardner and one of the things about Ava Gardner that later shows up in my world is that my first movie star crush looks a LOT like my first wife, the afore mentioned: Stephania Jo Ross . . . and here is the even MORE funky part of all this -- Jan Hooks, a Saturday Night Live actress of the 1980s died, she was 57 I saw it in the FB trends just now 57 is also significant because the video below was from . . . 1957 and why for me is Jan Hookss death significant . . . I also had a bit of a fan crush on her because she reminded A LOT of . . . Stephania Jo Ross especially when she did characters with a Southern accent it is unethical to predict death . . . so I didnt know who this would be -- and some mght say a 57 year old is not really a young actress but the odd synchronicities in the drive by psychic way in which things hit me kind of does the give me chills thang Andrew Brewer II
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 23:16:04 +0000

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