I posted this a couple of years ago. as we enter into the season - TopicsExpress


I posted this a couple of years ago. as we enter into the season of being thankful, i thought i would pass it along again! the perfect thanksgiving....maybe not! this time of year can get pretty stressful. expectations this time of year lead to disappointment and heartbreaks. why is it we take one day a year, and make that day the day when everything has to be just right? the table has to be set with good china, decorations all around the house, mom or grandma the kitchen trying to get everything done just right. some of the family cant make it because they have out of state family to visit...here comes disappointment sneaking up quietly. (my family has 6 parents all living in different places. we have dinner at mistys house with 4 parents, siblings family and those with no family to go to. sasha will spend thanksgiving with bobbies mom and grandma in atlanta.) ok, dinner is on the table....is the turkey cooked enough? is the stuffing just right? great, the food is a success! wait! what was that? you said what? ok, so you wont be here next year? you have to go somewhere else? but it is thanksgiving day, you have to be here on that day! here comes the heartbreak! another hurtful word is spoken, conversation getting heated. you try to diffuse, but the fire storm has started........WAIT PEOPLE! turkey day is just another day to celebrate family. the past month i have spent time with both kids, my sister and my parents. eating, visiting, loving, sharing life together because that is why we do what we do. pressure, stress, disappointment, heartbreak comes with an expectation of a perfect thanksgiving. my favorite thanksgiving growing up was the year my mom, dad, sheila and i went to the trails (restaurant). we didnt have to drive 3-5 hours (it seemed that long) to great grandmas, or grandparents in a rush to get there for the perfect thanksgiving. we just went down the street to eat. we laughed, made way to much noise, just the 4 of us, everyone else in the restaurant disappeared. it was THE PERFECT THANKSGIVING! as a cancer survivor, i am thankful everyday my feet hit the floor. my kids (spouses included) and caroline are my joy. giving the girl in the drive thru a kind word, the angry cashier at the grocery store a smile and a God bless you, giving the guy standing in the rain asking for money an umbrella...giving! THANKSGIVING folks, not a day but a spirit that should be with us year round! a spirit and love God has given to us for free! why keep it to ourselves. this year, make everyday a day of thanks, not just in november and december, but year round. in spreading love and kindness, you can give that one person the hope to live another day. show Jesus everyday! throw your expectations out the window, enjoy what you have and who you have, you might be surprised in the joy of simply loving!
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 10:00:33 +0000

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