I posted this last week and got responses. Ok, heres my theory on - TopicsExpress


I posted this last week and got responses. Ok, heres my theory on one POSSIBLE scenario of how things may have changed. -E-bola is KNOWN to reside in Mt. Kilamanjaro, Africa. There is a cavern at the base that elephants go into to hone their tusks and to eat minerals on the walls of the cave. There is also a river that flows just along side of it. All along this river there are cases of the bleeding disease, E-bola. It was not uncommon. - Aids and TB. We basically conquered TBA until HIS/AIDS came along. It seems that some people with AIDS contracted TB. As you know, the difficulty in treating AIDS is because of its ability to mutated quickly. The thinking is that TB found its want into the AIDS population and just like the HIV virus, began to mutated rapidly. So much so that now we are seeing cases of TB that are refractory to previously successful methods. - I am posting here that possibly a similar process has occurred with E-bola. With AIDS being prevalent in Africa, perhaps it too has begun to mutate and has become airborne. - Fear mongering - a common tool of propaganda used to instill fear and gain compliance. Or simply as a distraction to deflect the publics attention away from other issues. - I do not trust the CD any longer. While I have known that the FDA was in the deep pockets of lobbyists for many years, I have come to the conclusion that the CD now falls into that category also. - In the past there have been minor outbreaks of E-bola which have been successfully quashed. - Theres worse things out there. Look up the Marlburg virus sometime. And even that has been successfully contained in the twentieth century. This is just a hypothesis of mine. I make no claims at being an expert, or virologist. I am just following what seems to me a logical possibility given the facts. Although, lately, everytime I go to the grocery store I get the eerie feeling that the powers that be ate indeed trying to kill us. Ive been reading labels for 35 years. All the food they seem bent on selling us is full of chemicals, many of which are known carcinogens. Remember kiddie, just because youre paranoid doesnt mean theyre NOT out to get you. P.S. I posted this because someone asked. I would live to hear some feedback on any thoughts you may have. Good day to you all my friends, dont let the bogged man get ya! Lmao. Sue
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 14:34:22 +0000

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