I posted this on a sports site i frequent and it was deleted so i - TopicsExpress


I posted this on a sports site i frequent and it was deleted so i figured i would post it here.because well i moderate my page....their are huge threads about Jameis Winston and other black entertainers The subject was framing of how we speak on black athletes/Entertainers when they commit or are accused of a crime (sorry it is long but not real long) (Preface:This is not a shot at anyone it is simply what i have noticed here on (name of site)..this will probably be deleted if anything just lock it Mods if you feel people cannot understand this is something that is happening right now on the board in conjunction with posts about Jameis winston....Also i post this not to cause people to think im calling them racists or even bad,it is about framing of stories and people not pointing fingers,it is simply what we have been taught to think....with that said here is the post) this is not a indictment of any (memember) or anyone else,this is about framing of situations...Im sure after i post this it will be locked or it will be deleted,i repeat this is not at any Bro or anyone else its asking you to see the framing of things said about African-AmericansTerms like thugs/Gang members and other words like it.I also understand why Duke Lacrosse team is used as a example....Because its hard to find a African American Athlete that was exonerated of a issue,because they are not usually show mike irvin and eric williams and their case against Nina Sharavan comes to mind,she accused them of rape and it was major news,yet when she was found to be lying the press left and her guilty plea was not covered nor was the decision to deport her back to Iran...the same thing happened to Duke Lacrosse team the woman was found guilty when the black community found the witnesses and they came forward,but thats rarely ever reported .....And before trolls start...No iam not saying African americans do not commit crimes! What i am saying is notice how their stories are framed when published. On any issue!! some of you who are quick to tell african americans to Wait til all evidence to be shownyou already made them guilty are not doing so when it comes to Jameis Winston and others...and to me that is hypocritical. When dealing with issue of crimes committed by Caucasian-Americans we dont even hear about the issues.Until years later when the person writes a autobiography or a expose happens See Peyton Manning at UT,while at time it was barely news.he got away with a very iffy issue Or issues are swept under the rug Wes welker and his drug addiction Hope solo in two different cases one with her husband who she married to not testify against,and then her sister and younger relative. Ben Rothlisberger...multiple rape accusations and a DA throwing out evidence in one of them Matter of fact i want people to think of all the Professional sports/Entertaiment stories where crimes happen the face of that issue will most likely be a face of a person of color..just being honest A quick psychological test.... When i you hear of the following names what do you think O.J.,Chris Brown,Ray rice,And Jameis Winston....be honest to yourself.Maybe you thought of their crimes first,maybe you didnt thats cool whatever first came to mind is for you to know and not for this discussion..In the list of things you thought of, crime was most likely was there....again nothing wrong with it they committed a crime. Now when you see these names what is first thing that comes to mind Robert Blake,Christian bale,Sean penn,Nick cage,and Ben Rothlisberger...Remember be honest The second group of people committed same crimes yet we dont speak of them doing those crimes (excluding Blake) rarely if ever. (members of site) sometimes the narrative is written before innocence or guilty is there,It is in the framing of the story when we read it, when we look at the first group...we lump the whole race into the same group (not all of you of course so no need to post your defense this is simply for you to think about.) look at the responses are usually in plurals not singular. But when we speak of the second group we speak of them as individuals when they are accused of a crime and are told not to rush to judge them,but then not do the same for the first group is kinda...No Its very hypocritical to then instantly judge African Americans as a group or majority.... Some will overlook and find excusable reasons to forgive Woody Allen/ but staunchly condemn Micheal Jackson...See Jennifer Capriati,Lindsay Lohan,Myley cyrus,And a plethora of young white actors/actresses/athletes,and claim They in the sense of individuality they are troubled or Their family is messed up But when it is the first group....They in the Sense of their group are Thugs(the S denotes plural) or Their culture and then it is ok to push them aside and hold it against them and their group for rest of life but not do the same for second group. Love (name of site) and i repeat this is not a shot at anyone it is simply real talk.And it is something im noticing more and more of in posts lately...now i know some of you will say im stirring a pot or im trying to cause trouble..but thats simply not the case,im simply noticing how some respond to things like Jameis Winston...No this does not mean your racist or bad,its simply what we have been taught as americans to do,i just ask that we UNLEARN these things...so we as a country and people (American people) can move forward....just start looking at newspaper headlines (online or paper) you will see the framing i speak of...Knowledge is power. Derek MateoAR MateoDavid ParasJon GoldFred LlamasDes NashGary WaltonChe LewisMary HillOkesene Iese
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 00:32:18 +0000

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