I posted this on my Weight Loss Journey album, but it didnt put it - TopicsExpress


I posted this on my Weight Loss Journey album, but it didnt put it on the thread. So, Im posting my story of my weightloss and massive mind transformation to get to where I am on that journey! I had a lot of negative influence in my life. I hit a breaking point in 2007 that I gave in and surrendered to and started to really internalize all the negative things that had been said about and to me about me. I hit rock bottom in 2009, where I was my heaviest at 242. I managed to lose 10 lbs before I started my weight loss journey in 2012. It took me until 2012 to get my mind there, because from the end of 2009 to 2012 (and continuing on from to this day and the rest of myl ife), I have been reprograming my mind and made the decision that Im worth more than Ive been told or given credit for. In 2012, I was given the honor of winning a prestigious real estate award that very few investors ever get. I cried for an hour after getting that reward, because it really internalized that I can do ANYTHING I put my mind to. I found out I was a finalist for this contest in Jan 2012, and decided to set some goals for losing weight. I won it in May 2012, after losing 12 lbs. That is when I determined my why for weight loss. Id done a complete 180 degree in my life. Id gone from down in the dumps depressed and defeated, to ON FIRE with success and relearning that I have value. My WHY for making this happen, and doing it right so its PERMANENT is that I want the OUTSIDE to reflect who I am permanently on the inside. I am a CHAMPION, nobody, nothing, ,and no situation will EVER determine who I am again in my life! I can do ALL things through CHRIST who strengthens me! I am determined, dedicated, and making deliberate choices to be the BEST me I can be, for the REST of my life! Healthy emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically! I am ON MY WAY! I have found self love, self actualization and TOTAL FULFILLMENT! Dean Graziosi, Alicia May Robyn Thome Sarah Collings Edna Orellana Christina J. Gheorghieș Michelle Golany Brandee Thornton Burt Brandon Locatell Jimmy Torres Chase Croft Jennifer Kaiser Susan Giron Sanding Traci Steinman Roselia Valdez Mandy Searer Matt Larson Anthony Policci Jill Bossi John Wakefield Julie Watroba Wakefield Julie Griffin Himstedt Jeremy Becker Jeremy Gabbert Linda Michaels Renee Wilson Cyndi Razo Cindi Bacon Misty Gilbert Katie Hammond Macnider Karen Boudreau
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 00:57:13 +0000

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