I pray Americans and lovers of freedom and democracy will wake up - TopicsExpress


I pray Americans and lovers of freedom and democracy will wake up in time to see the danger America is in! The Left wing democrats and others in office along with Obama are slowly taking away our rights and ways built in the Constitution and Senate rules to protect us from the power grabs and minoritys in the senate from being able to filibuster nominations when the person nominated is bad for or against America. They are one step closter to ending America as we know it. Please, remove the members in office that are continually voting against our best interests. Especially those listed below that are up for reelection. Dont give them more time to destroy our way of life. BREAKING: The Senate Goes With Nuclear Option Attention Patriots, The importance of taking back the Senate in 2014 has never been more clear than it is today. In an unprecedented move, Harry Reid has stripped away Senate filibuster rules to allow the will of the Democrat majority to trample on the rights of the minority. The Senate now only needs a simple 51 vote majority to push through ALL of President Obamas activist judges and executive branch nominees. The only way to stop Harry Reids tyranny is to rip the gavel out of his hand in 2014 by electing a conservative majority. (Article excerpt) If we are not successful in taking control of the Senate in 2014, our country will have to endure an extra two years of President Obama appointing liberal activist judges and will have to watch them be rubber-stamp approved by the Senate. It would take generations to recover! We have an opportunity to stop it and to rip the gavel out of Harry Reids hands, but we are going to need your help. The Plan: We need a net gain of 7 seats in the U.S. Senate in order to take control. Tea Party Express is going to start this battle in states that have been historically conservative and have strong Tea Party networks. Look at this map to see exactly what those states are: The six Senator seats that we are targeting are: Senator Mary Landrieu (LA) Senator Mark Pryor (AR) Senator Kay Hagan (NC) Senator Mark Begich (AK) Senator Max Baucus (MT) retiring Senator Tim Johnson (SD) retiring Senator Jay Reckefeller (WV) retiring These seven Senators must go! However, President Obama and Senator Harry Reid know that a Senate majority is vital to insuring the survival of Obamas legacy and the ability to appoint liberal activist judges without opposition. That means they are going to do everything they can to protect their allies in the upper chamber. The time to strike is now, but we need your help. Please consider sending a donation today to help our campaign efforts in these must-win states. Your contribution will help us: (1) organize grassroots activists, (2) launch a national bus tour to rally conservatives, and (3) produce critical television and radio advertisements. We are going to need all three of these tools if we are going to win. Its time to turn up the heat on these liberal Obamacare-loving Senators, and our strategy does just that. Please join us in this fight by donating today. To donate by mail, please send check or money order to: Tea Party Express 8795 Folsom Blvd., Suite 103 Sacramento, CA 95826
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 21:55:13 +0000

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