I pray for attitudial and mentality change among the African - TopicsExpress


I pray for attitudial and mentality change among the African societies and that provocative culturally induced questions,like:when will you marry ?when will you give birth ?Does your manhood work,prove it ? how fertile are you ? don,t you think men waste their sperms on you,you can,t produce ? won,t you give birth to males or females ? However let,s be guided by psalm: 119-1-16,Blessed are the undefiled in the way,who walk in the law of the lord........wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way ? By taking heed thereto according to thy word.......) Is society also aware that God allows singles to experience loneliness so he can draw them more closer to himself.He wants their full attention and allegiance like You and I .Therefore lets live by the code of decency and morality in world that places little or no value on these attributes as well as following the law of chastity and purity.Good day all my friends and all those who want to live their lives like a living sacrifice fot the GOD of mankind.Amen, Amen...............
Posted on: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 10:29:03 +0000

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