I pray in 2015, I can continue to LOVE and have regard FOR ALL - TopicsExpress


I pray in 2015, I can continue to LOVE and have regard FOR ALL MANKIND. Since none of us truly know where life may lead us, those we persecute today, may be vital to our well being tomorrow. The person who hates POLICE, may one day be rescued by one. The Christian who despises all MUSLIMS, might be saved by the hands of a Muslim surgeon. The parents who tell their daughter to not date outside their own race, could find themselves alone and needing help from the very people they told their child not to be in a serious relationship with (and left looking very stupid and ignorant themselves). In other words STOP THE LABELS AND STEREO TYPES AND SPREAD THE LUV in 2015. GOD BLESS!
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 23:06:00 +0000

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