I pray that this will help someone who are still holds - TopicsExpress


I pray that this will help someone who are still holds resentment, hatred or bitterness towards their ex/s. Recently I have run into Veteran brothers and sistas in arms who have shared how they hate their ex/s. They looked surprised when I told them that I didnt have any hatred in my heart for my ex/s. DIVORCE/ EX/S, DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND BITTERNESS I have been married twice and although there were problems in both of my marriages and some domestic violence; I dont hold any bitterness, hatred or resentment at all against my 2 exs. What I went through made me strong and I learned a lot about love and relationship. In both of my marriages I didnt seek the Lord as I entered into Holy Matrimony and what I was searching for was love and companionship. SEEK THE LORD FOR YOUR RELATIONSHIP What I have learned if its not meant to be, its not meant to be. You shouldnt stay in a relationship or marriage if theres domestic violence, cheating, disrespect,etc. and etc. It took me almost 16 years to trust another man in my life for I didnt want endure no more heart break. After being friends with Cecil for 10 years and I fell in love with him. For he was the kindest man, the way he treated women took respect a whole new height. It was like a breath of fresh air how much he loved and respected his mother and 4 sisters. Although in 2008 Cecil passed away in my arms 14 months after we became a couple; I thank God for the 10 years were true friends. I truly believe that God placed Cecil for my life for a season and what I learned what true love was all about. In addition that they are still good men out there. YOUR EMOTIONAL BAGGAGE HOOKED UP WITH YOUR MATES EMOTIONAL BAGGAGE. There are many times we grown up with no love and want some one to love us back,low self esteem, have been rejected and abused over and over again; we carry these emotional baggages into relationship/s and marriage/s . What usually occurs that our spouse has the same emotional baggage as I have mentioned above. So you have two have to learn how to love. Many of us a child we witnessed our parents how they didnt have a relationship and all of the unsounded drama that we witnessed between them. LET GO AND LET GOD; BE HAPPY IN YOUR NEW MARRIAGE OR RELATIONSHIP In saying all of that if you still have bitterness its seems that you havent move on. There are some EX/S WHO HAVE REMARRIED AND STILL ARE HARVESTING HATRED AND BITTERNESS TOWARD THEIR EX/S. ITS NOT FAIR TO BRING THAT IN YOUR NEW MARRIAGE. Like, I said before I dont hold any bitterness or resentment. I forgave, moved on and most important LET GO AND LET GOD! I dont get into their business and if I see them I say hello and keep it moving l TRUE LOVE AND THERE ARE STILL GOOD MEN OUT THERE; SEEK GOD FOR YOUR MATE. Thanks to Cecil I found love again and I feel free. A couple days July 19 we would of celebrated an anniversary of being a couple but Cecil has been in his Heavenly for almost 6 years now. I didnt realized how much he helped me and taught me so much; until he passed. I can say rest in Heavenly peace Cecil and thanks so very for a being a real and true stand up man. I will always truly love and miss you
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 06:27:12 +0000

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