I pray this inspired thought from the Lord will bless all who read - TopicsExpress


I pray this inspired thought from the Lord will bless all who read it. The Lord gave it to me years ago and I wanted to share in hopes that someone will be blessed. Tending Your Spiritual Garden by Tina Wilson Have you ever noticed that growing weeds is the easiest job ever? It’s as though you don’t even have to think about it and up they come. Well that is how I feel about the seeds of bitterness and resentment that creep into the life of a Christian. It is an unwanted event but somehow it finds its’ way in and takes up residence in your heart before you know it. There are many preparations that must be made prior to the planting of a garden of any kind in order to bring forth a harvest that can be enjoyed. Those things may consist of one or all of the following: • Removing debris and unwanted vegetation such as weeds or other foliage • Tilling up the soil to loosen the hardened dirt for easier seed planting • Fertilizing the soil with a special ingredient so that the seeds will be nourished from the inside out • Creating a well around the seed once it is planted so that water will be continually surrounding the area to keep the ground soft. This will enable the seed to break forth easily once it has started to grow. • Continual sunlight is needed in order for it to bring forth fruit of its kind or flowers depending on the seeds that are planted • And continual watering of the plant until it springs forth and then after that to keep it alive Not so with a weed. The seeds can spring up in the most desolate of areas and sustain themselves with very little effort. They can survive the most treacherous climates and continually bud and spread with no regard to the location of their whereabouts. That is how bitterness begins in the heart of an individual. It settles in and takes up residence in whoever will let it. It thrives off of hurts and failures and will sink its roots so deep that it seems virtually impossible to pluck up. When we allow the seeds of bitterness and resentment to find a resting place in our hearts, we fool ourselves if we think that it will be easy to remove. I don’t know about you but in my efforts of plucking up weeds that have been there for a while I have encountered a struggle with that stubborn thing. You see, once it makes a home, it sinks its roots down deep and plans on staying. That is why it is imperative to pluck it out as soon as we see signs of it. If we let it go too long it will begin to attach itself to anything in its path and will become entangled with the roots of good things that you want to keep. In life there are many seeds that find their way into our lives….good and bad and unfortunately they are no respecter of persons. They find an open area and settle in and will stay for as long as they are allowed to. When you begin to sense that a seed of bitterness has made its way into your heart and feel as though it is taking over, you must pluck it out and throw it as far as you can from you. It is most crucial that you take immediate action and destroy this unwanted intruder and literally curse it from the very root. If you tarry, it will take over and be widespread in no time. This condition is very destructive and will suck the very life from you that you once knew. If you allow this to go on for very long, your entire spiritual garden will be compromised. When you finally decide to begin the removal process you will inevitably pull out the good without ever having the intention of doing so. Therefore you lose more than you desired to and will have to replant and restore those good things again. There is only one way to safeguard yourself against this unprejudiced culprit………NEVER OFFER IT A PLACE TO STAY....and allow the Fruit of the Spirit to flourish so that there will be no room for unwanted seeds to find a place to rest!
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 01:52:09 +0000

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