I pray this is a blessing to you today Have A Blessed Beyond - TopicsExpress


I pray this is a blessing to you today Have A Blessed Beyond Measure Weekend The Gifts Are The Same~~~~~ Gods Prophets Only The Clothes Have Changed Why We Need Prophetic Elders There is a real cry going forth for leaders who will give guidance, direction, hope and Gods love - in particularly in the area of the prophetic. Although there are prophets who are functioning within prophetic organizations and networks, many would agree that there are thousands (if not millions) of prophetic people who have no accountability or someone they can turn to when they need guidance. That is why the Body of Christ desperately needs prophetic elders - leaders who will love, embrace, mentor, support, and train prophetic people so that they can be developed and be commissioned into the fullness of what Christ Jesus has called them to walk in. The Body of Christ Needs Prophetic Elders The term elder has almost become passé. We very seldom hear the word elder anymore, yet the scriptures give great mention to elders. In the book of Acts it mentions the word elder 19 times! One example of how prophets and prophetic elders function together is in Acts 11. Agabus prophesied that a severe famine was coming. The believers that heard this word sent their money to the elders of the church by way of the Apostle Paul and Barnabas (Acts 11:27-30). The elders were functioning as storekeepers - literally and physically - over the prophetic word that Agabus released. I am sure that these elders also judged this word and tested it by the spirit to see if it bore witness with the Holy Spirit. When judging prophecy the Bible states that all prophecy should be judged by prophets. (I Corinthians 14:29). Prophetic Elders Judge Prophecy judging Where are the prophetic elders and spiritual people today who will judge a prophetic word and then be accountable to seeing that the word is released to the Body of Christ? Arguably, out of all ministries, the prophetic ministry might be the most scrutinized - and perhaps it should be. When an individual speaks to a congregation, group of people, or even to another individual and says thus saith the Lord or In the name of Jesus serious implications follow because these words are a representation of what the Father is saying. Prophetic elders are responsible for judging prophetic words. Let the prophets speak two or three, and let the other judge. If any thing be revealed to another that sitteth by, let the first hold his peace. For ye may all prophesy one by one, that all may learn, and all may be comforted. Let the prophets speak two or three, and let the other judge. And the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets (I Corinthians 14:29-32). When Apostle Paul wrote these words he was trying to establish prophetic protocol within the church of Corinth. These scriptures indicate that all prophecy should be judged. True prophetic people who have a heart towards God want their words judged because they do not want to utter anything presumptuously or out of the flesh. As a prophet, I have no qualms about having my prophetic words judged by seasoned prophets (prophetic elders) because my main desire is to speak only what the Lord says. In the event a prophetic elder happens to find something I have prophesied to be inaccurate I am not upset. Rather, I rejoice because I realize these are opportunities for me to go back to the Lord and be given counsel from Him on where I missed it. Missing it experiences in the prophetic are opportunities for our humility to grow. Actually, many times our prophetic ability grows during these missed it experiences because as we are humbled the Lord gives us more grace (James 4:6; I Peter 5:5). Prophetic elders play a major role in the judging of prophecy because they can comfort the prophet or prophetic person who has spoken a word presumptuously or out of season. Prophetic elders are those people who restore prophets and help them get back on the right path. Prophetic Elders Settle Disputes Another purpose of prophetic elders is to settle disputes within the Body of Christ - particularly as it relates to prophetic issues. In Acts 15, there arose a heated argument among believers concerning whether or not it was necessary for Gentiles to be circumcised in order to be saved. In order to settle this argument, Paul, Barnabas and some other believers were appointed to go visit with the elders to settle the dispute (Acts 15:1-2). I remember a big debate that existed during the 1990s among two charismatic camps. The debate was about whether or not prophets and prophetic people could prophesy at will? Or do prophets and prophetic people need a special anointing to prophesy? At the very crux of this argument was this question: Is the prophetic gift given and then taken back as the Holy Spirit desires? Or does the prophetic gift remain in us the same way a pastoral or teaching gift remains in those that function in these gifts? (For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable. Romans 11:29) This argument proved to be very contentious among the two camps. Perhaps if there had been prophetic elders that people could go to and discuss this issue, these groups may have come to some type of common ground. Prophetic Elders Release People into Their Spiritual Gifts Finally, Prophetic Elders release people into their God given gifts. In I Timothy 4:14 and II Timothy 1:6 we see that the elders played a crucial part in releasing Timothy into his ministry. Apostle Paul states: Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through prophecy when the body of elders laid their hands on you (I Timothy 4:14). Although the doctrine of gift impartation and activation is considered to be somewhat controversial, we see that it was quite common for the elders of the church to lay hands on people, prophesy over them, and impart and activate gifts. I Timothy 4:14 makes it quite clear that prior to the laying-on-of hands by the elders Timothy was not functioning in a gift that he received after the elders laid hands on him. This is not an isolated mention of gift impartation. The Apostle Paul mentions grace gift impartations in several New Testament scriptures (see also II Timothy 1:5; Romans 1:11; 1 Thessalonians 2:8). Where are the prophetic elders today? Where are the elders who judge prophetic words, settle disputes, and ensure that the prophetic word is heeded and responded to? Where are the prophetic elders who activate and release people into their spiritual gifts and 5-fold ascension gift ministries? ( Ephesians 4:11) By-no-means am I saying that no one is currently performing the functions of prophetic eldership. There are many organizations, ministries, and local churches that are prophesying, judging prophetic words, and activating people into their spiritual gifts. But, because of the scrutiny of prophecy, it is very difficult for prophets in training and prophetic people to learn how to prophesy. With the current structure of most churches, where is there an outlet whereby people can practice using their gifts? But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of use (practice) have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil (Hebrews 5:14, ) There must be leadership (prophetic elders) who will allow prophetic people, 5-fold ministers, to practice using their gifts so that they gain mastery in order to edify the Body of Christ and help her come to full maturity. article by, Kent Simpson, Prophetic Pastor Prophetic Elder Kyle Miller, PhD. Judith Oldridge, Prophetic Elder
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 15:55:13 +0000

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