I predict Donald Trump will become president of these United - TopicsExpress


I predict Donald Trump will become president of these United States of American hands down and by a land slide because he is far more equipped to do the job with the American economic situation than several other presidents all combined for the last 40 yrs. This man has had more business failures turn a profit in record time than anyone on record , failure is not an option for Donald Trump he,s been their and to the amazement of associates while they drag him through the proverbial business failure mud , he aggressively bounced back to the very top only to buy many of them out What he does not need is a bunch nickle dime wannabe politicians either side , no nothing candy store Obama type operators dictating to him how to get the economic job done , when they for the very most part are responsible for the economic mess were in, in the first place. We must learn to let the man do his job and the way he wants too . I say there will be more firing , more replacements more hiring of top help ,it will absolutely be no personality contest with Trump he will be a kick ass get it done right the first time President , or your out on your ass , bulshit walks with him . I predict he will not only make history but will change history to where it should have been many many years ago . We will become a highly respected nation again , having other nation,s fear to second guess us or even try to short change us in anyway . This man Trump will do the job , you will never hear about any million dollar vacations or gulf games whatever because he,s always working , he,s a hard hitting very directed on target achiever , that is his mind set and always has been , considered him a gift to every American Trump is and always has been a We The People man and I will quote him on a Jay Leno TV talk show as saying , I would love to see the day when every American could reach his full potential because our Government has the resources to help them achieve their full potential OUR PEOPLE MUST BE TAUGHT TO ACHIEVE JPB
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 18:12:04 +0000

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