I prevented an awful accident tonight. Two guys owe me their - TopicsExpress


I prevented an awful accident tonight. Two guys owe me their lives, what else is new. There were two large movie film crews in Chinatown. People were lolligagging around like gawking fish in a pond. Driving on Kearny I pointed out to my passengers that the three-story spotlight was the cause of the gridlock we faced. They said they thought I was right and allowed me to take them around it on Sacramento Street. There was another film crew there, very many people, at least three dozen, many cameras all over the place, but the traffic was having to drive right through the set. All the way up the hill the person in the car in front of me was swerving all over the road. I began to sing my version of Eleanor Rigby, All the stupid people, where do they all come from? I had already identified that driver as really bad. While we were waiting a long time at the light on Sacramento Street, and were still behind the person who wasnt paying attention, a couple of the film crew guys walked into the street and stood between the bad driver and my cab. It was dark already but one of them had a leaf-blower device in his hand; he had been blowing the leaves and schmutz out of the area. The two guys had their backs to the bad drivers car, standing in front of my cab, behaving as though because they were involved in a film, somehow that gave them the right to stand in the middle of traffic. They were looking into the distance, like a parody of tourists, and I know enough about production to know they were just being stupid. They were positioned in the street behind its right rear column, where apparently they couldnt be seen. I did not do anything about them, but I thought what they were doing was stupid and pointless. The bad driver began rolling backward, and was about to crush the two guys against my cab, which they could not see happening, because they had their backs to him. I honked at the driver and shook my forefinger back and forth at the two guys. They got out of the way. They came that close to being reduced to hamburger between the two vehicles. Later my landlord called me on the phone while I was at work about my having spoken to the two cleaning women who talked nonstop in the courtyard. They had lied histrionically about what I had said, and made it sound as though I was completely unreasonable. I fail to understand how cleaning ladies have more rights than residents. Not long ago I defended myself against Norman Lebrecht at his blog, where boors are allowed to inveigh against me, but if I defend myself, I am aggressive. Two or three paragraphs at a time are apparently all right to direct at me, but in one case a single remark that so-and-so doesnt give advice is labeled as aggressive. Since when is the remark You do not give advice appropriately called aggressive? I honk my horn to save someones life, I get no respect. I ask someone on the staff to respect my living space, the landlord checks me out, and is willing to believe illiterate illegals before he believes me. People are encouraged to write essays against me, but for a single line of self-defense I am labelled a troll. Welcome to my world.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 11:47:21 +0000

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