I promised I would share some of the questions and answers from - TopicsExpress


I promised I would share some of the questions and answers from our live twitter chat on Sunday. It was a first for me, and it was wonderful to reach so many people, although I am aware that its simply not possible to answer every question. I have selected 6 from the chat which I hope will give a feel for how the evening went, although I was asked around 60 questions in total... So many Angels in Training!!! Question 1 - Lucia I would like to be helped by you. I wish I could get in touch with my husband. He is dead 4 years ago. Id like his advice me in this moment. I miss him. And thanks for all you can do for me. Im so sad. Answer Dearest Lucia...as I read your question I feel a man standing to my right side. He is explaining to me that his passing was quite sudden, although he is describing difficulty with his breathing. He tells me he sees you crying a lot and he is concerned because you need to begin your life again but dont feel you can. He is always close by you, and is your Angel but you must begin to listen to him now. He wants you to smile for him every day, even though you will find it hard. He wants you to find love in your life again, even though it will be hard for you. He watches over you and sends you his love always. Question 2 - Dani Ive been feeling lost and disconnected lately, wondering if you could give me any information that would help me find direction on my journey. Answer My dear Dani... you are a spiritual being having a human experience and as such there will be many times when you will feel lost and searching. Listen to that inner voice, that voice which guides you. Trust it. Apply the three time rule..it always works. You are on the right path, but your journey will become a little harder before it gets better. Hold on to the hand of God and to your Angels and let them guide you. Dont try to lead; allow yourself to be led for a while. You are in safe hands. Question 3 - Sarah Dear rosemary, now after 13 years that my heart suffer, please help me if you can. Answer Dear Sarah...my heart goes out to you in your pain, and Grey Eagle has asked me to give you a special message. He is safe and well, and he is with God and his Angels. He is watching you and watching over you and sends his love. Question 4 - Dele I have been having difficult ties in my business and also with my male friends who are jealous and envy me and i am also in good terms with my father and family, theyre diabolic and evil people, it is because of them i am facing difficult time with my business, please maam i need to know this, thank you. Answer Dear Dele...unfortunately when life gives us difficult issues it is always easier to blame others rather than ourselves. You need to look within you, to your soul, and work on yourself. Forget about those around you who try to bring negativity into your life. Remember, people can only do to you what you allow them to do. Dont allow others to dictate your life but take control, stay by your family who love you, and thank God for the blessings he brings to you every day. Question 5 - Vicki I am wanting to move on from my place of work, too many negatives vibes have done a recent application, any advice, thank you x Answer Dear Vicki... it is never good to be surrounded by negativity of any kinda be careful though, not to encourage this energy by being negative yourself. Of course you will move, because your good and positive energy will drive you towards the right place. Remember, like attracts like...good energy will always find more good energy. Question 6 - Mikie My question is will my health issues improve with the new path i will be starting? Answer Dear Mikie...please send us your full name so that we can put your name in our healing book and send you healing, every day. Your issue is your sensitivity. Do not listen to those who tell you that you are too sensitive or over- sensitive. They are the insensitive ones!!! The more sensitive a person is the nicer they are; the more blessed they are; but it is true that life can be more difficult. Embrace your sensitivity and know that you are well loved by the spirit world and your Angels.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 14:56:34 +0000

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