I pull up to the intersection and the car ahead of me has a bumper - TopicsExpress


I pull up to the intersection and the car ahead of me has a bumper sticker that says PUT CHRIST BACK IN CHRISTMAS. I react as I usually do. With disappointment and a bit of disdain. I really dont like that bumper sticker. Dont get me wrong. I am not celebrating the commercializing of Christmas. Its just that we dont have to put Christ back in Christmas... Because He has never left. I mean, think about it. Imagine your job is to sell TVs, jewelry, or toys. There is a time where people buy more TVs, jewelry, and toys than any other. Its in December. And these things DO make lots of people very happy...to get them AND to give them. So its simply logical there will be more aggressive ads at this time than any other. Common sense. And there are those who dont celebrate, and who take active steps to limit the religious symbols of those that do. I think thats often a shame, and many times misguided...but it doesnt keep Christ out of Christmas. It doesnt, because those things dont define Christmas...for me, or for anyone who keeps the true spirit of Christmas, the whole meaning of the season. Christmas is not about the ads, nor the debates over public manger scenes. Its about giving warm coats to those without in the bitter cold of winter. Its about feeding families and children who too often go hungry. It is collecting and giving toys to children who otherwise might not have any to open Christmas morning. It is connecting with family and friends with whom you have gone too long without a meaningful visit. It is watching the face of your own children as they open the toys around the tree. Its about the dinner we share, a special kiss, a warm hug, a smile, a laugh, a tear... As if ANYONE could take THOSE things from us. Christmas, more than anything, is a season of love. And if you have love in your heart, and have even some of those things I mentioned, you understand why I dont like that bumper sticker. We dont have to put Christ back in Christmas. Because He never left. And He never will.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 04:10:21 +0000

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